As you can see, we appear to have lost our avatars. We are working on a fix for that, but it may be that we will need to upload them again. If so, I do apologise.
I've just tried to upload mine as a new avatar and that doesn't work either... It asks to drag out a box to the size of your avatar from the picture you upload and I can't do it... Apologies if this is what you mean when you say you're having issues!
The avatar uploads aren't working at the moment, Lauren But hopefully it will be sorted in the next few days!
I see that some people have been able to upload avatars! I'm not having any luck. Can anyone tell me which file format and image size worked for them? I've tried jpeg and gif and it rejects both (not sure if that is due to image type or size though....
I notice a lot of people (including me) have white space around their avatar - I can't fix this. It was because I used paint to resize the photo with the "lock aspect ratio" switched on, but if I switched it off I distorted the picture. I tried cropping a picture to a square in the first place, but that didn't help. Hmmm....any tips?
I think that the picture does need to be a square in order to avoid space at the side or bottom. Not sure why your cropped square didn't work. Unless it wasn't 100 x 100 - They are meant to resize but I don't think that function will work till we are on the new server.
Aha, sorted with some fiddling! BeataK - I keep photos in Photobucket. On there is an Edit button where you can easily with on click make it square and another to resize it to 100x100 (whatever that means). I then saved it to my pc and added it to my profile (Add avatar button on the avatar image)
Hi, can you tell us what is happening? How wide and tall is your photo (in pixels) and how large is it (in kb) What happens when you try to upload - thanks
hi, It's 100 x 100 (resized in paint) & 8.93 kb, saved in jpg but it says that format is not valid. Thanks
Are you linking direct to a pic on your PC? I wasn't able to link to the same pic stored on Photobucket, and got the same error message, but uploading from PC was fine.
I have just managed to get the right size...resized through photobucket...then saved on my hard drive. I think avatars have to be exactly 100x100.. I also couldn't manage to link to a photo hosting site to upload an avatar.
can you email it to me Karen - I'll see if I can fix or at least figure out what is wrong