Back to destroying and chewing

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Jacqueline Mckendrick, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. Jacqueline Mckendrick

    Jacqueline Mckendrick Penny and me

    Sep 11, 2017
    Hi all
    Penny is nearly 10 months now and she seems to be going back the way and chewing everything. She has always been a biter and chewer but obviously when she was at the croco pup stage. She is still mouthy but not in a biting way just softer. Its the chewing that came back with a vengence. She has destroyed clothing that was drying and this she never did even as a small pup. Her new bed (3 days old and cost £50) is in tatters this morning. I feel she can lie on the floor as i am not buying another one (she would only do the same). Is she at a juvenile delinquent stage and advice please
  2. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    When Red was about that age she suddenly started chewing her bedding at night. It didn’t last long though. I used vet bedding in the end. I still do as she has recently started it again at 15 months on a little duvet I put under the vet bedding. I try to keep washing out of her reach so she’s not tempted. It’s frustrating when it happens but hopefully temporary.
  3. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Yes, I understand what you are going through. Merlin was a good pup and not a chewer, then he suddenly turned into Maelstrom the Destroyer at about nine months old. The worst thing he did was to eat a very valuable first edition that OH had left on the coffee table... Now, at one year, he hardly ever chews anything - except the front doormat, which for some reason he loves. He wakes up in the morning, and then spends a happy ten minutes chucking the mat around the hallway! We have rugs and mats all over the place that he never touches, but the front doormat is apparently HIS. I have given up buying new ones - the old tatty chewed up one is staying there until he outgrows this phase.
    Pen_1 likes this.
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Keir is nine months old and has just destroyed a whole chair :eek:. He was absolutely fine until recently.

    He’s back in the puppy pen if we leave him during the day for now. He’s fine at night, he just sleeps at night.

  5. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
  6. Pen_1

    Pen_1 Registered Users

    May 10, 2017
    Its funny to read yet I wanna Cry LOL ... Palace is now a year old ... he now does not have a bed , the 4 I got for him over the year he has destroyed all of them , tried just a blanket
    he eats them so that don't work , but hoping he will grow out of that and one day he will have one , he also loves tea towels .
    As for toys he has ruined them as soon as I got them out the packet , so now unless its a Kong toy its not worth wasting money , maybe Kong makes a Dog bed . ha ha
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
  8. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    I had labs for. Long time. Mine don't have beds until they are about 3 to 4. Toys are tough ones like khong toys. Plush play toys are never left alone with them until they are gentle with them. Beds and soft toys are a waste of money and time until they reach a point in their lives when they don't want to destroy them. Some are worse than others you just have to alter your mindset. If I buy them a toy I work out how long I think it will last and if I think it's value for money. Some are worth it because they give the dogs fun for a while but have no illusions all soft toys are going to be trashed quite soon. At least while they are killing teddies they are not eating the soft furnishings:) it's what they like to do. Rory does not have his own bed yet and he's 4 :rolleyes:
  9. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    So... if your dogs dont have beds, where do they sleep? On the floor? Or in bed with you??
  10. Pen_1

    Pen_1 Registered Users

    May 10, 2017
    Palace has always loved under the table ... even when he had a Bed he still went under the table he takes his toys under there too .
  11. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Sofa,vet bed floor old chewed bed with no zips, little velvet mattresses that cost a fiver, folded thick wool blanket that is like thick felt and no dog has managed to chew yet. We have one bed at the moment which is a tuffies and has last 3 years so far. If the dogs at the bed eating stage I limit the bed to supervised access only. Moo has the tuffies bed and won't let Rory in. We did have an orvis for 10 years but a cheeky pup ate the zips Rory likes moos tuffies ive seen him sneak in but she won't have him in it no way and both of them could fit in it a it was Doug's. She is a despot:)
    Karen likes this.
  12. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Ours have tons of sleeping places too. Poppy mostly sleeps under OH's desk while he is working, and there is another doggy bed in his studio too that Merlin snoozes on during the day. At night Poppy sleeps on the couch, and Merlin has his bed in the hallway in front of the radiator. Weekend mornings they are mostly in bed with us - they love that.

    When Merlin was at his worst chewing stage I used a big cardboard box for him at one point, with blankets in it. He did chew the box, but I didn't care, and it kind of distracted him from the blankets. A bit.
    SwampDonkey likes this.
  13. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    We got Stanley a hard plastic bed afternoon he chewed 4 or 5 beds. It only cost about £10.

    He got some blankets in it which he flung around the room but didn't chew. He got a big cushion after so long, which is still in tact.

    We're getting him an orvis bed for his second birthday. If he destroys it he's getting his plastic one back and he'll never get another bed!
    Karen likes this.
  14. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Our pups start on hard plastic beds with Vet bed and cushion and then ‘graduate’ to a mattress type.

    Keir is a toy (and now chair!) destroyer but (touch a lot of wood) has not chewed his bed yet.

    selina27 likes this.
  15. Pen_1

    Pen_1 Registered Users

    May 10, 2017
    I have a nice big Cushion for him once he stops the destroying bit ... I bet he will still go under the table .
  16. Jacqueline Mckendrick

    Jacqueline Mckendrick Penny and me

    Sep 11, 2017
    I know i shouldn't but i am laughing reading all the posts. Penny seems to be no different to many of the labs on here. It still amazes me how much stuff she has worked through..all the usual that everyone on the forum has talked about. I need to stop and just realise that its pointless looking at all the plush etc and spending money on stuff thats not going to last. I honestly thought this bed that was mattress and pillow top type would last as she went straight to it and lay down and looked so comfy..hahaha 2 days later its unrecognisable. The thing is she usually starts off in a bed but ends up on the floor anyway. I will just need to stop looking at her as if i have left my 10 month baby lying on the floor instead of a dog who is spoiled and has no issues with the floor :eek::facepalm:
    Karen and Pen_1 like this.
  17. Nibbler's Mum

    Nibbler's Mum Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2017
    Fife , Scotland
    Yes Nibbler has a plastic oval bed - wasn’t expensive and piles of blankets - anything else just got chewed . Although during the day he is on an old sofa - again with a blanket - he hasn’t shown any interest in chewing th sofa thank goodness.
  18. Inky lab

    Inky lab Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2017
    Inky loved vet bed, thought it was there to supplement his meals! He now has one of the absorbent front door mats from Homebase which has a rubber bit all round the edge so lies really flat. He doesn't chew it and incidentally very easy to hoover!

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