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Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Christoph W, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. Christoph W

    Christoph W Registered Users

    Oct 17, 2013
    Hey fellow labby owners! I haven't been around for some time but want to get back to the forum a bit regularly again.

    For the ones that remember me this will be an update, for the ones that don't know me, yet the following info will help to get to know me [​IMG]:

    I live in Austria (that’s why my English might be a little bit off sometimes[​IMG] sorry for that[​IMG]) with my wife and 2 black Labrador boys (Odin 6 years and Brösel 2,5 years). 5 months ago, we`ve had a new a newcomer to our pack. My son Jonathan was born on 5.12.18 so we are having fun but sleepless times atm [​IMG](the dogs absolutely love the little fellow already which is nice).

    I do a lot of dummy work with my 2 boys and we also take part in Working Tests. Atm I'm focusing my training time on Brösel because he is a very keen retriever and I feel we might be able to get far if I can manage to control his drive! (which is pretty hard I'm telling you lol).

    It's nice to be back to the forum and I can't wait to read everything I missed lately.

  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Hi Christoph, Welcome back! And congratulations on your new arrival :)

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