Really hope the anti-inflammatories and anti-biotics solve the problem for Ella, together with the new wormer, and she's back to her normal bouncy self very soon
Thanks everyone. I gave her the new wormer with dinner and so far so good. We thought it best to start the rest of the medication in the morning to ensure that we could keep an eye out for a reaction to the wormer. Hopefully she's feeling better really soon
Good idea, I might start doing that in future. I always did it before bed with the spot on stuff, otherwise I ended up getting on my hands.
I always do the spot on stuff before bed , less chance of it coming in to contact with the cats for whom it is highly toxic. Nowadays I also spread the treatments so they are a few days apart - I've also had to resort to putting reminders on the calendar
The calendar was fine until I realised that I'd written Advocate down for Juno instead of Advantix and muddled her treatments with the cats for Advocate . My calendar now has rather a lot of crossings out
Lilly gets this - she is 6 (tomorrow! ) and has had it for a few years intermittently. She was spayed at 6 months. The vet has checked it and isn't bothered, If it were ever to be discoloured or smelly I wouldn't hang around taking her back. It does seem to come in "cycles" - not sure if it as infrequently as 6 monthly but it is there for a while then disappears.
That's really interesting, thanks. The vet did mention that we might get the redness/soreness down, do a culture on the discharge to check for anything else nasty, recheck a urine sample and watch for any other symptoms. I got the impression (that I will clarify later) that we might be a similar situation moving forward.