Morning. Harley is teething at a rapid rate, this morning a premolar came out. During the last few weeks we have noticed the smell of her breath has changed. I think it is due to teething. Shame, at the moment she has her kibble wet so that it can become soft because the dry kibble seems to be too much for her and her teething. It definitely isnt rotten, but it is different to her normal dog food breath. Nothing has changed in her diet. Has anyone else experienced this?
Yup, W&S had horrible breath during teething. It smelled of iron. I've not noticed it with Luna, though. I guess it affects different dogs in different ways.
Thanks Fiona. I have noticed small amounts of blood on her fluffy toys and when I look in her mouth there is blood if she has lost a tooth or has a very loose one. So I am almost sure it is that. Poor baby.
Plum stinks of sardines so it's difficult to tell if her breath smells differently now she's teething! I've also noticed blood on chew toys and found a molar the other day. My own experience of having teeth removed is it leaves a very unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth which disappears in time.
I have noticed this with Tucker (18wks) as well. He has lost 3 in 2 days which I can only assume is normal and his breath is terrible. But his diet hasn't changed, just as hungry as ever. The biggest difference I have noticed is that he has become more clingy than ever.