Bad experience at dog park

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Kelsey&Axel, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Peeing on people is sort of unacceptable - although Charlie did pee on my neighbour's shoes when he was about 5 months. Charlie was very much an excitement wee dog. And the wheels of an Aston Marton.....:oops:. Betsy was a bit too. And there was that time when Charlie marked the bench at the Common when people were sat on it....bloomin' fair enough, said Charlie, it wasn't MY fault you were sat on me wee post, I wee on it everyday....:D's always unpopular to say this after everyone has already said 'what your dog did was totally justified'....but I'd say the thing about a telling off is it should be proportionate and after the dog has shown a degree of tolerance for a bad mannered dog (if my dogs didn't have a wider repertoire for dealing with bad mannered dogs we'd never get round Wimbledon Common each day without a fight....:rolleyes:). No problem with telling off an annoying adolescent, but a growl, air snap etc is ok. Full blown snarling and chasing a dog off I'd only want to see as a last resort, really. And I'd have stepped in long before it got to that stage. I wouldn't say a second approach from an adolescent dog was the last resort.

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