Just realised that can be perceived as a double meaning!!!! Due to this forum I've been walking bailey off lead since he was vaccinated, in safe local woods! Today I didn't see 3 dogs coming , and he came when called!!!!! Whilst playing with other dogs, Ok he then went now I'm off again, before I could put lead on! Then came again when called, admittedly I walked away two steps , but oh the joy! Not bad for 20 weeks! It may have been a fluke but ....... Ah ha ha I will bask in the joy for this day only! And probably never walk out again!!!!
Re: Bailey came! We'll done a Bailey really positive that he came when called twice keep up the good work!
Re: Bailey came! Fabulous!!! If you never walk out again you'll have a 100% success rate I'm sure it wasn't a one off and was all down to good training