Betsy doesn't like the urban foxes we have around. No big deal, I thought at first. Charlie didn't like them when he was a pup either. They were the only things that made him bark. He'd let out a single big woof when a fox walked down our garden wall and then leg it. Betsy showed all signs of being similar. I just ignored her, like I had ignored Charlie. But the nervousness with Betsy doesn't seem to be wearing off! I just took her into the garden, and she could clearly smell foxes, and stood there barking at the wall! There wasn't a fox on the wall.... In the end, I got Charlie and he cantered round and checked out the garden, had a few wees (sure sign the foxes have been in the garden because it's the only reason why Charlie will wee in the garden) and then Betsy relaxed enough to have a wee herself, but she was still super keen to come back inside! It's annoying! I don't want her barking in the garden. Plus, I can't have her hanging around for ages worrying about the foxes when I just need her to have a wee so I can get on. Not at all sure what to do about it. It's not like the foxes are going to co-operate with a desensitisation programme. I suppose Charlie will have to come out to the garden with us until she gets used to them (I don't usually take him if Betsy is just going out for a quick wee just because it's quicker to go with just the puppy).
I don't suppose it makes a jot of difference if you walk the perimeter of the garden like Charlie? I'm not suggesting you wee, though!
She came for a cuddle, and that seemed to help a little bit in that it calmed her down and she stopped barking while she was cuddling. But me wandering round the garden with her didn't seem to help, no. Although I'm not able to get under the shrubbery like Charlie either. I'll give the weeing a miss!
The only things I would suggest are things you'll already have thought of; you won't know there's a fox smell unless she acts that way, so you can't have a proper plan set up, but, when you know it's there, you could try doing a version of LAT but "smell that". Or take her dinner out there, or a kong. But you'll have thought of those things anyway, I'm sure!
It's a bit bloomin' freezing to be eating kongs in the garden! But I suppose spending more time out there, so she gets used to the smells might help. It was very annoying last night, because I wanted her to poo before we went to class and she wouldn't. She was too concerned about monitoring the wall in case the fox appeared! The wall is very high, I do wonder if the foxes appearing so high up is more scary than they otherwise would be. I can't do much about it, because the garden on the other side is much higher than my garden, the wall is sort of a retaining wall. So I can't stop foxes walking along it, then can get onto it from the other side at any point.
Isn't it interesting, how different dogs are? I think with time she'll just get used to the fact that there are foxes around. And she does have big brother Charlie to sort them out for her!
Is it your wall? You could put something on top if it is? Someone somewhere mentioned rollers before?
It's a somewhat special wall. It's listed. I know. How can a wall be listed? But it is, it's left over from some old structure that was here before the houses were built. Anyway, I think the foxes would still come through the garden, they do sometimes anyway. I suppose I could fox proof the'd be awfully expensive though, and like you say a bit of an overkill - the foxes are everywhere, all around us. Maybe I should walk her early evenings. She doesn't go round the block like Charlie does. I think that helped him get used to the foxes. Might be better than just being stood still being asked to hurry up and have a wee!
Now I've heard everything You should try living in Australia where people say "but it's so old, it was built in 1901" hehe
Annoying indeed. Hmmmm ... Apparently putting fairy liquid down where the fox wees and poos helps to deter them, they don't know what the smell is so it scares them off. Old wives tale? Maybe - but worth a try?
I have heard that if a male (human!) pees around the perimeter, it will keep animals away, I think this was advice for badgers, it might work for foxes!
I've heard the same thing re coyotes.....disgusting but,if it works, maybe have a beer party for the men and let them at it!
Well, peeing on compost heaps is supposed to be fabulous for your garden, so maybe you could get your OH to do that, and sprinkle it around the perimeter. Then plant some roses and watch them bloom
Oh Lordy! I think I'd rather train a fox to co-operate with Betsy's desensitisation! I think she can start going round the block with Charlie in the evenings. I remember back that Charlie did fuss about the foxes on this walk, but then got over it. I do think if she is walking, and just sees the foxes pass by, at a distance, that might be easier than wondering if they are going to pounce on her from the wall when she is having a poo! I can understand that might be a bit off putting!
HeeHee - my house was built in 1870 and is just a run of the mill suburban London house. The wall is much, much older.
Is it the entire back garden that spooks her, or would she be ok eliminating by the back door? Of course, you might not be ok with her eliminating by the back door! Foxes must be such a worry for people with backyard rabbits/guinea pigs/chooks.