Hi All, Our black lab pup is 14 weeks old. For the past 4 weeks he has been demanding to be fed by barking. In the morning he follows me around barking. At noon & supper time he starts barking when he notices that I am getting his food bowl. I have tried to egnore him by standing still and looking away. When he stops barking I quickly reward him with a kibble but as soon as I start moving again he starts barking. So I keep repeating standing still, but this takes 15 min to get half way across the kitchen. He tries to contain himself but when he actually hears the sound of the kibble hitting the scope/bowl he goes beserk with excitement and barking. Any advise? What am I doing wrong?
Hi @Henze Welcome from Hattie 10 years and our rescue boy Charlie 7 years. If I were you I would leave the room, only put the food down when he has stopped barking even if you have to repeat time after time, he will get the message x
I agree with Charlie but I’d go one step further and put him on his mat or a stationary position and make him stay there until released after the bowl is on the ground. He’ll get the point pretty quickly.as a result he’ll default to that spot and wait quietly at meal times.