So wish I could talk doggy language. Let me explain why. Rolo will come over to me, the kids or hubby, he will go to bite us so we say No and remove our hands or whatever it is he is trying to nibble he then barks at us. Looking straight at us. I tell the kids and hubby he is barking because he wants us to play. He did it a few minutes ago and the bark seemed different. He was about due his tea, could it have been him telling me he his hungry? He very rarely barks. He barks in this situation or if he hears something in the house (front door or something in the garden).
Re: Barking. Chepi will bark just to get my attention sometimes; I try to ignore her then. I definately am no expert though.
Re: Barking. We try to ignore him but it's full on in our faces and I don't mind admitting it intimidates me.
Re: Barking. Tatze used to do this, I would hide my eyes behind my hand and ignore her. She stopped doing it around 12 months. Now Gypsy does it to me and Tatze - yes, I am sure it's an invitation to play as Tatze responds by playing! I wonder if it will be harder to train out of Gypsy as it works for one of us? We'll see
Re: Barking. My lab puppy, barks when he wants something, to play, out of his play area, the bone/toy that another dog has.