We are one of the forum members who learned about using the watering can here - thanks to @SwampDonkey! - and have never looked back. He hates the hose pipe and the shower. We are lucky that he takes a dip in the pool every day - not a swim, but wallows on the steps - so he is usually clean. If he's smelly then I shampoo him using the watering can to rinse off and plenty of treats. I can also lure him back into the pool cos it's easier to rinse him in there, but I prefer to keep the shampoo out of the pool, so the watering can is useful. It has made all the difference.
I always wondered how human poo is around for dogs to roll in. I was speaking to a work colleague who lives on my estate and he has 3 dogs who he walks the same route as I walk Stanley. He told me there's been a couple of times he's been caught short and gone in the bushes That's how there's human poo around then
We have a drugs/drinking problem round here and so people who have a casual appoach to were they poo. I once saw a man with his pants down reading a newspaper as he pooped on a path. I asked him if he wanted a bag for it.
Absolutely disgusting. How is there ever an excuse to behave so badly? Total lack of respect for people, dogs and their own environment x
I agree...I have never, in my entire life, been so "caught short" that I just HAD to do it in public, that is just insanity. What is wrong with people
The worst part is that the walk is at the furthest end about 20 minutes from home. If you jogged you could do it easily in 10. It's pretty bad if you can't hold it that long
Happens. My OH has IBS. Not a public footpath, but possibly the side of a rural road...... Not nice to live with.
I been taking horrible things that do unfortunate things to my tummy for years. I've luckily only been in a scary pant situation once but I dug a hole and buried it I was way out in the country.
I definitely think that for some people with health issues, being caught short is not an uncommon occurrence.
Gosh must be awful to live with bowel issues I'll remember that the next time I see one, although the one I saw right in the middle of the footpath is inexcusable regardless! Could have at least done it off to the side
Be glad you're not living with IBS. I've been caught short a few times, but being a dog walker, I always have loads of poo bags, and of course I pick up after myself
It's a thing many runners get, too. Apparently something to do with the hormones released when running, or something.