darn cute....and sooo white! Cooper is not as white as is the hair shedding situation for you???? They show up nicely, don't they???
What a wonderful idea this thread is. Have just burnt our tonight's tucker looking at all the gorgeous photos of these fabulous labs. I must get my pics sorted and get Molly's then and nows on. Just beautiful
We really don't have much problem with the hair shedding. If wearing black trousers they get on but it's really not bad at all! Maybe that will change come spring Here's what happens when the kidults come over!
Too fabulous for words. I love how his spectacles match his collar. And the "nerdy yet adorable professor" vibe.
the one on the left was taken around the start of december(2 and a bit months old), and the one on the right was last night(just over 5 months old). As you can see hes gotten decidedly moodier since then
He's a talker alright...and I don't mean a barker, just that you understand exactly what he's on about by the look on his face.
Molly on her first day with us and now at 3 1/2 years. I haven't trained her to sit on the pouffe like that -she just chooses to do it! 13-02-2017, 14 05 35.jpeg?dl=0 13-02-2017, 14 03 08.jpeg?dl=0
Wow, she's huge...and adorable! I hope you don't mind, I'm popping your photos below so people can see them without having to follow the links. Here is @Joy 's Molly:
Thanks Emily. Yes she's taller than most Labs - 65cm to her shoulder -and Ok a bit plump, though the vet in December said he thought she was all right as long as she doesn't put on any more. Of course she's a cross. (Now there you are @Emily_BabbelHund how about a Chesapeake Bay Retriever for your next dog? ) Oh and she was the runt of the litter!
She looks like a mini-Newfie to me and I do have an extra soft spot for Newfies. And I DO think Chessies are handsome too, of course! I was told when I looked into Chessies for me that they were really for "serious hunter types only" which I'm definitely not. I'm more of the "serious couch potato type".