Since January this year I’ve recently had shared ownership of my lab. She was crate trained in my exes place and I believe left alone quite a lot but also I do not know much of how she was treated or whom was looking after her and what they did.. I personally haven’t had any issues with leaving her alone for a couple of hours, she’s always eaten well, slept well, not been vocal etc and even have a doggy cam to keep an eye. Had no problems. I’ve had Luna in my care permanently since 28th March and Last week I was given full ownership. In the last week since 18th April Luna has become quite destructive and chewing things up all of a sudden, barking, loss of appetite, disobedient. Found out she was going through a phantom pregnancy so hormones are all over the place and was put on medication. I’ve had to change her food as she wasn’t eating and now she is eating much better. But this behaviour is not like her at all. She gets plenty of exercise and attention when needed. Could it randomly be separation anxiety? The being destructive and disobedient She has loads of chews and toys but chooses to chew up other things. I’m going to try her on the calm tablets to settle her. She is having her spay surgery in May. Any advice?