Doesn't sound like much...but Benson retrieved a tennis ball...and delivered to my hand, almost every-time today, AND in three different fields! I know to most this probably doesn't sound like much of an achievement, but to Benson this is a huge step forward. Granted with a dummy, in own garden he is OK...but outside, on a normal walk, not a chance. He will play with a ball, chase other dogs with balls, but would be too distracted to retrieve anything thrown for him on one of our twice daily off lead walks. I used C&T, rewarding delivery to hand in our front room,with a tennis ball thrown initially no more than 3 feet. I used "back" to go fetch, and "Benson Come" to bring the ball to my hand, when his nose touched my hand I click, remove the ball, and give him a small treat. I kept this very simple and easy, moving to hallway, kitchen then the driveway, and back garden, still throwing only 3 or 4 feet and sticking rigidly to the same language and tone. I then changed to a dummy, different dummy and back to tennis ball, keeping training short and sweet and very easy for him. To reinforce this, I have been using a "sandwich" approach, detailed in one of Pippas articles, this is a fab technique which really sets up a positive session, making sure we finish on a successful retrieve and help reinforce this skill in his an easy retrieve driveway about 6 feet, then a couple of proper throws, finishing with a shorter, easy retrieve with lots of praise. I am so proud of him, looked like a proper retriever today! Now just have to go back to basics on recall...which has fallen apart a bit... :
Re: Benson retrieves! Yes Jen, I am inordinately proud, admittedly he doesn't race after the ball, more of a gentle amble, and a meander back to me, whilst smelling the daisies on the way...but it is a RETRIEVE!!!
Re: Benson retrieves! Well done Benson, it is an achievement and as the owner of a non retriever CHARLIE I fully appreciate how delighted you are and wish I could get that result on a walk :. Keep up the good work and very well done both of you. xxx
Re: Benson retrieves! And a little video I took tonight out on one of his regular walks, Benson retrieves a rabbit skin ball ,delivering straight to my hand. Sorry for the poor quality, still beaming though...
Re: Benson retrieves! That is fantastic Kate no wonder you are so chuffed with Benson Big tummy rubs to Benson from me and licks from Harley xx