Best advice for newbie lab mummy?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Cherry, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Cherry

    Cherry Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2016
    Berkshire, UK
    Only a few days to go, I've read the books, got things prepared but would love advice from people about the first few days/weeks please! Best toys, best first time outing, best way of teaching her special toilet place in the garden, should I set up a proper toilet area?
    lynnew and Rosie like this.
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Exciting times :) Glad that you have been reading up on puppy arrival , the best piece of advice I can give is to enjoy it , relax and embrace puppyhood , it passes so quickly , you turn around and they are all grown up :tail: Loads of articles on here about toys and the like , The Happy Puppy Handbook will also help you with all aspects , its available from Amazon and invaluable for a new owner . Good luck and please come back with photos , lots of photos :)
    Cherry and lynnew like this.
  3. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Exciting times indeed!
    Remember that your puppy may be overwhelmed. It's an exciting time for you, but for her, she's just been taken away from everything she's known in her short life. She may be scared and might need a bit of space. Give her a safe place - her crate, pen, whatever - where she can make a den. Maybe cover part of it with a blanket to make it seem even safer for her. Gentle play for the first day of so as you get acquainted, and give yourselves some time together before inviting all and sundry round to visit her.
    Take her out really, really regularly - after waking, eating, drinking, playing - and give her lots of praise for toileting in the right place. Get stocked up on kitchen roll and Simple Solution for cleaning up any accidents inside. If you have rugs and carpets that can be removed, do so, because puppies are far more likely to go on those than on hard floor and they're much harder to clean effectively.

    Most of all, jus enjoy learning about each other and take LOTS of photos :)
    Cherry, lynnew and niclibrarylady like this.
  4. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Things I wish I'd been told are:
    1 Don't worry if you find yourself thinking "oh my lord, what have I DONE???" There will be times when it doesn't go right, don't worry, they will pass.
    2 Take photos. Enjoy your puppy.
    3 Toilet training does take time, their little bladders just don't have control, and you will begin to think your entire purpose in life is to be a lavatory attendant to a small canine. Don't worry, this passes too. Have a good supply of enzyme cleaner and cloths.
    4 Take some more photos and enjoy everything about your little puppy.
    5 Vetbed fleece is MAGIC.
    6 Labradors are known for being gentle, laid-back, calm dogs. This is true but it does NOT apply to labrador puppies.
    7 Did I mention photos? And how gorgeous your puppy is?
    8 Put a shortcut to this forum on your laptop, tablet and phone.
    9 Best toy is a plastic bottle. Or an old towel. Or any cardboard box.
    10 Give up on being houseproud. If any of your friends prefer a tidy house to a house with a puppy in it, there is something wrong with them.
    11 Get lots of sleep now!
    12 Photos. Enjoy.
    drjs@5, Cherry, samandmole and 9 others like this.
  5. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Very good and supportive advice from @snowbunny and @Rosie plus buy all three books advertised on this site by Pippa Mattinson, they are a tremendous help.
    Cherry and lynnew like this.
  6. jessieboo

    jessieboo Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2016
    Welcome. I am first time puppy mum to Jessie. Our, now 20 week old, yellow Labrador. This forum is amazing for all the questions and stresses you never knew you would have! I had read all the books, but was still fully unprepared for how much work a new puppy was, but also for how much joy and fun they bring to your lives and just how quickly things improve!
    • I wish we had set up a specific toilet area, but might still work on that! It would definitely be easier from the off.
    • Get a clicker for training, they are brilliant!
    • KONGS. Many Kongs. We have a real chewer!
    • Crate, pen or specific puppy zone is a good idea. It has saved my sanity being able to leave her somewhere safe.
    Good luck and have fun. Jessie has grown up so much since we had her at 9 weeks. It goes so fast!
    Cherry and lynnew like this.
  7. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Such an exciting time :doug:

    The first trip out we done was to pets at home. My hubby carried her and got lots of attention! It helped get her used to shops, different people and lots of noise. We then walked around the small shopping centre which was fun.
    Cherry and lynnew like this.
  8. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    My OH loves taking the puppies out in his arms because women talk to him, oh how he milks it the old flirt
    drjs@5, Cherry, Naya and 3 others like this.
  9. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Bringing a puppy home is rather like bringing a baby home. You've read all the books, got all the equipment and then you are full of doubt as to what you should do :) . When in doubt refer to the books, ask on the forum but work with what feels right for you and your puppy.

    Oh and make sure you get plenty of sleep, you're going to need it. Puppies are tiring :).

    My best advice is to relax and enjoy :)
    Cherry, lynnew and Cath like this.
  10. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    get some time off work too if you can thats always a great help
    Cherry likes this.
  11. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Very exciting - and we need lots of photos!

    Check that the areas where your puppy will be are free from any bits and pieces that can be picked up, chewed or, worse still, swallowed. I never did discover how Wispa, when she was only about 4 months old, managed to swallow the metal ring from the curtain tie-back by her crate, without even chewing the fabric!
    Cherry and lynnew like this.
  12. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Welcome to the forum from me and my 16 month old choccie girl. You've been given excellent advice already. I'd add if you have already got one I'd get a warm dressing gown or onesie to wear during those late night toilet trips. We collected Mabel at the end of January I used to wear a hooded onesie. It was freezing. :cold:

    Enjoy your puppy, time passes so quick they are furry babies for such a short time, looking forward to seeing some photos.
    Cherry and lynnew like this.
  13. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Welcome to the forum Cherry from Fred, Annie (my 2 labs) and me.

    Keep your shoes out of reach, puppies love shoes :D but most of all enjoy your new buddle of fun.
    Cherry likes this.
  14. lynnew

    lynnew Registered Users

    Oct 30, 2015
    Norfolk UK
    I found that buying one of those feeding bowls that looks like a maze inside served a dual purpose.

    1. it slowed down the lightning speed that Henry ate his food and lessened my anxiety about bloat

    2. it bought me a few minutes to have a shower - if I was quick- ( I had to give up keeping a diary of his first few weeks after writing 'reasonable night but slept downstairs in my clothes - entirely sick of waking up wearing yesterday's pants')
  15. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    It's an exhausting time - but remember to enjoy it - the weeks pass by soooo quickly!

    I'm feeling jealous! I have to wait until October!


    drjs@5 and Cherry like this.
  16. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Oh yes - I really wish I had done that with Tatze, I do try now but she's a camel and can hold it all day if not allowed in the garden!

    Cherry likes this.
  17. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    lynnew likes this.
  18. Cherry

    Cherry Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2016
    Berkshire, UK
    Thanks for all the reply's, really appreciate it. I've thought the same about the baby comparison, you hear all the horror stories but never quite believe it! I'm hoping it won't take 3 year's for her to sleep through though like my last actual baby!
    drjs@5 and Rosie like this.
  19. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    One of the advantages of a puppy over a baby is that they grow up much quicker :), which is also one of the downsides - our puppies aren't puppies for long so ENJOY :D
    Cherry likes this.
  20. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Best advice?
    Hang onto you sense of humour :nod:
    Cherry and snowbunny like this.

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