What do you use and can recommend for a working type not heavy built dog. Willow is working on her heeling and sometimes does really well other times she doesn't listen. We sometimes walk along a busy country lane and I want to feel a little more in control at these times. I saw a video with a double ended lead that attaches to the front and back like horses reins. I will not buy anything until she fully grown as I have no idea how big she will get.
I'd get the Perfect Fit. It is modular so you can change bits as she grows and I'd get it sooner rather than later so she's used to it going on and off. I've had no trouble selling harnesses on ebay as my boy has outgrown them or decided he doesn't like them (even made a profit on a few sales!). I also have a T-touch which was cheaper and very light. Definitely get a double ended lead, use the front connection to steer the dog towards you if necessary, the back clip is just emergency brakes! If a dog is used to pulling I think they just feel constant pressure on their necks with a collar and they accept that as normal. 2 points of connection enables you to communicate differently - a twitch on the front lead and my dog looks up expecting a treat. There are lots of harnesses (Eg Rufffwear front) which are good but my dog hated having put on over his head - your dog might be more tolerant than my crazy beast.
I have both a ruffwear and perfect fit with front attachments. The perfect fit is great because it comes in three bits which means you can get each bit in different sizes if you Lab is a funny size, which Woody is! Both have been great for me to help heel train a 30kg adult who had only been walked and pulled on a flexi and collar before we adopted him. Initially I used a halti training lead but now have a longer training lead. It took me a while to get used to using two hands on the lead but I'm a litle un coordinated. It has made a real difference and gives us the breathing space to continue to work on the heel training which is coming along well with me, not so good with the OH. I was adamant I didn't want to use a head collar, even though it was recommended and at the moment I've been able to keep to that.
Yes. There are various places where you can get them fitted ( I got mine from snazzy dogs in the Wirral) or you can get them online. Their customer service is very good and they take returns if you aren't happy with the fit.
Perfect Fit harnesses are made in the UK by Dog Games: https://www.dog-games-shop.co.uk If you want even more control than a Perfect Fit, there's the Freedom harness. However, this does slightly barricade the shoulders so my preference would be the Perfect Fit unless you are really struggling with control.
She walks lovely on a lpose lead when she feels like it but on the roads I need a bit more control as she is starting to become strong as she is growing.
I bought a true love harness from Amazon it's OK for now as Willow was 18" when I got it a few days ago when I measured her now she is 20" the harness only goes up to 22" so very soon we will be getting another. She stops pulling and looks at me when clipped to the back ring she then heels when told. The harness has a front clip but when used with a double clip lead the front of the harness lifts her front leg off the ground I looked on youtube and none of the others do this so I don't have full control but better than just the collar. As she is growing so fast I will leave off getting another as the sizes are limited.
I had a truelove harness and found it really good but Loki hated having it put on over his head. I didn't find it pulled his legs off the ground unless he was absolutely crazy lunging at something in which case I just plant myself firmly and wait for calm.
It's good if clipped to the back she does heel. It's if it's clipped to the front that one leg gets lifted off the ground. It's better than the collar as it does give more control but will try the perfect fit harness next time.
The true love harness looks great. I have the rabbitgoo harness, which looked very similar to the true love harness from videos I was watching before I bought it. Both have really good reviews and are well priced. For me personally, the rabitgoo has helped greatly with his heel walking.
The only issue is the bit that goes over the head is very loose if I tighten it I can't get her head out but can't tighten it on as it's difficult so I leave it loose it's a tight fit I can get 4 fingers under the waist straps but wouldn't want it any tighter. I think someone local fits the perfect fit harness so it will be good to get it fitted properly.
With that issue, @WillowA you need a harness which clips up around the neck as well as the back - that way you don't have to size it to fit over her head and can just size it for the neck.
I've just bought a Copenhagen Walk Air harness for Meg. It has a front and back fastening, and once I got the hang of balancing my double ended Grippy lead I found it super. Meg is a skinny wee thing so this harness suits her quite well. You can undo the neck bit if required (I don't need to) so it doesn't need to go over the head. So far, I really rate this harness. https://dogcopenhagen.com/eu/dogharnesses/21-comfort-walk-air-harness.html
It looks like I ordered the wrong size harness there was 2 small sizes on the box to tick as the truelove only goes up to 17" fully extended Willow is now 21" so I have ordered the perfect fit it goes up to 24" so I can buy bits if they get too small.