I had the best walk with Ella this afternoon. Firstly all of our work on loose lead walking finally feels like it's starting to pay off (when there are no major distractions of course). Then we turned the corner to see a school kid walking home AND a man and his dog (Ella looked like a cartoon dog with her head shooting back and forth while she tried to decide which was more exciting - I'm pretty sure the school kid would have won). Instantly she was as far away as her lead would allow her so I called her name (and she actually turned!) and asked her to come back to me (and she actually did!). Then I asked her to watch me and walk to heal past the two people and the dog.....and she did!!! I felt like jumping up and down in celebration! Ella was pretty pleased with her left over roast chicken as a reward so fingers crossed this will be the first of many good experiences! It's so rewarding to actually see things come together, if only for a moment
Well done to both of you, and it sounds like that chicken was well deserved. Moments like this need to be treasured and shared
Really great progress, absolutely be proud of all your hard work...it really does pay off in the end..
Great job, that's fantastic! I know how much training and patience it has taken to achieve this, so well done
Thanks everyone! I read all of the training logs and can't imagine how we could ever get to that impressive level but now I'm starting to think that it's lots (and lots and lots) of tiny milestones like we had today all put together. I'm starting to appreciate the amount of time and see dedication you must put in but I can see that the rewards are well worth it! ☺☺
That's it. The sooner you appreciate that you get there in tiny, painstaking steps, the sooner you get there. There are no short cuts....if you try short cuts, you just waste time.
Tiny milestones, yes, and sometimes all you can see is how much you have yet to do, but taking a few minutes every now and then to look back and remember where you were just a month or two ago makes you realise how all those tiny increments add up to something impressive.