Biting Puppies: Help For New Puppy Parents

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by pippa@labforumHQ, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Megs

    Megs Registered Users

    Jul 23, 2020
    I'd add something a local trainer shared with us that definitely helps: socialization with other puppies. Puppies need to play, and biting is how they do it. I think the idea is that it helps with bite inhibition, and with getting the fun out of their system. I was told at the beginning by a well-meaning person that puppies don't need to play with other puppies. But I have since learned that this is not correct. As long as you do it in a way that prevents disease (eg, through a trainer who can verify vaccinations) and as long as you are there to control your puppy if things get negative, it's so important. After very time our puppy goes on a playdate, his bite gets noticeably better. Once we waited a week and it got worse. We started puppy play dates at 10 weeks, and I wish I had done it even earlier. We do a minimum of two a week, with a range of ages from his own age to 1 year old. Plus there are the random encounters in our neighbourhood, which are just as important. I find that 11 month olds are particularly helpful at demonstrating that nipping can be annoying, and if our puppy holds back on his bite, he can get some fund play with a big dog who doesn't mind his moderate biting. That has taught him how to respond even more so to us so we can cuddle and relax together. When coupled with all the other tips and tools (mentioned above) the biting went from insane to tally manageable within a matter of days at 10-11 weeks, and has more or less stayed that way.
    Gillian54 and Aileen Buick like this.
  2. Hannah Beasley

    Hannah Beasley Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2021
    I just wanted to say to the group those videos I shared yesterday the biting video and drop it and leave it you click on it you have to clear the captcha to see the video I used a link shorter
  3. Daniludwig

    Daniludwig Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2021
    Hi Pippa!

    I am new here! I have a 4 month old puppy and his biting and nipping is only getting worse.. He is listens when he is biting us (myself and my partner), however he is always biting people when they try to pet him to say hello or nipping at other dogs to say hello. He is not aggressive, but he is biting almost as a greeting.

    Any advice on getting on top of this or how to discipline him would be great!!!!

  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello, did you read the first post on this thread. Lots of helpful information from Pippa. Good luck, it does pass.
  5. Ellie&GloBag

    Ellie&GloBag Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2021
    I'm so relieved to have found this website! Every other book/ website I've read says nipping is normal but if puppy is breaking skin seek professional advice urgently. I have punctures all up my arms and legs from my 13week old fox red latching on and biting me hard! I thought I was living with one of the hounds of hell
    Aileen Buick likes this.
  6. Louise678

    Louise678 Registered Users

    Apr 25, 2021
    Hi everyone. I have just joined and have my first new puppy in 15 years. She is 12 weeks old. She is biting alot as do most puppies but my problem is that she is biting my other 14 yr old labrador . Especially her tail and around her neck. My old girl is very tolerant and lets her bite more than I think is still play!!! She really hurts her when she bites and I have been picking up and putting the puppy outside on her own when it gets out of control. Is this the right way to deal with it?
  7. Annie Henderson

    Annie Henderson Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2021
    Hi Louise, sorry I don’t have an answer for you but I do sympathise as we too have a puppy and an older dog who is 7 and there is a lot of snapping and snarling from Archie the older. Our pup is now 15 weeks and it is getting slowly better, we put Hovis the younger in his crate for time out when things get out of hand and put Archie over the stair gate to give him space. Also Archie is a cavachon so smaller than Hovis and we keep a watch when Hovis tries to sit on poor Archie. There are increasing times of rowdy play now rather than nasty fighting so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Yesterday we were at our local field where a very lively dog was bothering Hovis and Archie ran round him barking like he was trying to protect Hovis - well I took that as a positive!
    Hovis is doing great so it’s just the fighting that is our problem...oh and my poor plants!
  8. Sukhi

    Sukhi Registered Users

    May 13, 2021
    Thank you for the above information Pippa. My puppy lab is 8 weeks old and we bought him home 4 days back. This is our first pet and I was in tears to see scratches on my son's arm yesterday, since then I have been reconsidering my decision and planning to give a puppy for adoption. After, reading your above I did get some tips which will be very helpful :)
    Just one question, if chewing and biting are normal for a lab puppy when does it become serious or alarming?

    Thanks in advance.
    Aileen Buick likes this.
  9. Marilyn french lady

    Marilyn french lady Registered Users

    Jun 21, 2020
    Desperate for any help with our 6 month old male black lab. He was doing well and i had been training him to walk on lead, going to classes etc. Sadly he badly broke back leg about 4 weeks ago and has to spend alot of his day in cage. We try to socialise with him, now he can have limited walks but will often turn on myself and bite nastily. I can see he doesnt respect me as much as my partner and wonder how I can turn this around. I have had 3 other labs none as young as him and injured.
  10. Megs

    Megs Registered Users

    Jul 23, 2020
    Suhki: First time dog family here. The advice Pippa gives is to create safe spaces for kids - she mentions for kids up to 6, but locally, our trainer added that 7-12 year olds are the number one sufferers of bits, and that it is usually from their own dog. This is why we put up tons of baby gates. Our son and cats could escape our pupp's teeth, and we could train him to not bite separately. Biting suddenly went from a big problem at 9 weeks to a very manageable problem at 10 or 11 weeks. We used gates, teaching our son to stand up 'like a tree' whenever he gets bitten, having zero tolerance for even hand biting after 3ish months, no mouthing after 4.5 months, and lots and lots of socializing with puppies and dogs of all ages asap (we started at 9 weeks avidly, trying to arrange play dates 4-5 days a week through our trainer's website). We have not had biting problems since. We also focussed on Pippa's recommendation for consistency in training, including always replacing non-permitted biting with something good to bite on, rewarding good behaviour with treats, and having safe long-lasting chews (we use beef tendon, although it does break the bank!).

    Marilyn: Our puppy had leg pain at 4 months, which we are pretty sure was from handling him repeatedly improperly when lifting him up into the car (he's big and my hubby was not lifting his rear legs properly). He did try to bite us and it was scary. We said to ourselves what our trainer said to us: "It's very appropriate for a dog to growl to warn of pain or discomfort. The biting most often happens when the growling was ignored." Maybe you should treat the growls with a bit more attention? Perhaps you should consult with a trainer who specializes in aggression prevention? We did, even though our puppy is the least aggressive dog ever. It was very well worth it. In the end we used lots of liver treats when picking him up, my partner changed how he handled him, and we all planned for more time to get from a - b just in case he needed time to get into the car, and that all helped. It's scary and hard to navigate pain-driven growling and biting, but well worth it. Both you and your pup sounds like you've been having a hard month. :(
  11. fodenn

    fodenn Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2021
    Thank you for responding Debbie I know I am not alone in feeling this way. I feel that things are going from bad to worse no matter how much I try.
  12. fodenn

    fodenn Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2021
  13. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
  14. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
    Thank you so so much for this info. Have you been hiding in my living room? We just got our first lab puppy on Saturday and he is just 9 weeks old today. My hands look like pin cushions and my partner and I were worried about the biting and growling. I thought we had the hound from hell but your articles are helpful in just letting us see this is normal.
  15. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
  16. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
    I have had my 9 week old pup for 5 days and I am like a pin cushion on both hard. We found the growling very scary and this article from Pippa has helped calm me down. Hope you are making progress and look forward to being right behind you
    Ellie&GloBag likes this.
  17. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
  18. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
    As a new puppy parent myself I look forward to seeing the answer to your question about when it becomes serious. Good luck
  19. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
  20. Aileen Buick

    Aileen Buick Registered Users

    Jun 17, 2021
    Pippa how can I read your response? I can't see it here

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