Biting the lead

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by CarolineHollyB, May 17, 2015.

  1. CarolineHollyB

    CarolineHollyB Registered Users

    Apr 22, 2015
    Hi Everyone!

    Apologies if this has already been posted, I've had a look and cannot see anything!

    We can finally take Dexter out on Tuesday so we have gradually introduced his harness and lead everyday with some treats but no matter what he keeps turning around and biting the lead. Did anyone else's puppy do this? And if so how did you resolve it? My mother in law tells me to get a corrector spray but I'm not sure.... anyone else used this? Any tips would be much appreciated :)

  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I'm certainly not an expert but it sounds pretty normal puppy behaviour to me. Many puppies don't like the lead to begin with and try and chew it. I would tend to have the lead on in the house several times a day, and also out in the garden to let Dexter get used to it, Just let it trail after him. Once he associates the lead with the fun of going for walks he may well stop as there will be so much to get his attention! You could use something on his lead to deter the chewing, but personally I wouldn't as you want him to have positive experiences wit his lead and harness. I don't think any of us would recommend the use of a corrector spray though which could produce unexpected results, for example a fear of his lead.
  3. CarolineHollyB

    CarolineHollyB Registered Users

    Apr 22, 2015
    Thanks so much for your advice MaccieD, I will try putting the lead on him a few times a day with it just trailing behind him and maybe try a few tasty treats as I put the lead on. I thought the same about the corrector spray, I'll keep at it and see what happens. He's very quick to pick things up, hoping this will be the same :). Thanks again.
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Yes, I agree - let him get used to it around the house. Even better than using a lead for this though is a short length of nylon rope. It won't get caught on anything and is light. Supervise while using though. You want him to get so used to it and bored of it that he ignores it.

    No sprays or correction. Do swap it for a toy though, if he chews on it.

    At the moment he has no idea what a lead is for. For all he knows it's a fun chew toy that you've conveniently attached to him for his enjoyment :)

    It's also hugely beneficial to get him used to following you and being rewarded for being close to you without a lead. Teach him to follow and stay with you in a safe (fenced) environment without the complication of a lead first :)
  5. CarolineHollyB

    CarolineHollyB Registered Users

    Apr 22, 2015
    Thank you both so much, I will try putting the lead on him and letting it trial in the house and garden. We've got quite a light lead at the moment so shouldn't be too heavy for him. Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it.

    Oberon, thanks for that. At the moment I've mainly been working on his recall in the garden so I will up my practice with the heel training, I've got a clicker to use for that too :).

    I cannot wait to take him out :) Thanks again!
  6. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Yes it is a young pups favourite pastime. You can see why, there is this thing that your owner dangles in front of you, surely she wants you to play with it.

    There are Bitter Orange and Bitter Apple spays that you can douse the lead (or anything else you want them to leave alone) with, but I have never found it particularly effective.

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