Yesterday afternoon I noticed there was a pinkish streak in Larks poo and it was a little more loose then normal. She has had loose poo 3 times now, streaked with blood and also woke me up last night to go out to poo (which hasn't happened in months!) It has not yet been 24 hours and she is eating, drinking and acting compleatly normal. I'm going to try and give her some pumpkin today to help sort out her tummy, but when should I call the vet? She has never had any stomach issues before aside from the occasional runny poo.
I would phone the vet and describe what you see, and let them decide if the dog needs to come in. They will probably say yes. I hope your pup is ok
I agree with Pippa , any blood in poo is best reported . Its often a little fissure in or around the anus caused by upset tums, but always best to play safe , good luck, hope she is alright x
I've just been in to my vet with the same thing. I thought he was probably fine as well in himself but it's far better to be sure. Hope all is well
Photo it with you mobile and show it too the vet. Sounds horrid but its really helpful. I got some real dog poo nightmares on my phone
Just wanted to report that the vet said to wait it out one more day as long as she was acting normal, and she is back to her regular self including normals poo's as of last night! Thank you all!
I used to rush to the vet at the drop of a hat! (We certainly have kept them in business!) But the advice I've been given - which aligns with what you were told - is to wait 24 hours, and if diarrhea persists, then come in. Sometimes it's just a 24-hr bug. Of course an emergency is different - and often for a new puppy owner, it's difficult to make an assessment, hence why phoning the vet is a good first action. A few months ago I called the vet in a panic (Snowie had blood drops from his penis) and she made me wait 24 hours - she wanted to know if anything changed in that time. It was very difficult for me!! And yes, I took him in after our forced wait!! He was fine, nothing sinister.