So the Blue Tits have started nesting again this year. This year they're in the box on the shed (as opposed to the box on the garage last year). I Think they're about the same time as last year. It's the only pair I've seen in the garden. Here's one (?mum) sleeping in the half built nest this evening.
Fantastic!!!! These threads always remind me of Year 8 History... We were studying Egypt and our teacher (who was English) was telling us that the Egyptians painted pictures of Blue Tits on their tombs. Naturally, we all giggled merrily at this. Our teacher shouted in exasperation "Oh for goodness sake!! All you girls think about is sex!!!".
Reminds me of the time in history class in 5th form (old money for "15-16 year olds"), we were studying WW2 and our text book had a full-page picture portraying Hitler's supreme Aryan race. Young men, well muscled and shirtless, marching in file. When the teacher said "now turn the page to look at the table of figures", and I blurted out "I'd rather look at these figures". Then nearly died of embarrassment, because I was the quiet one and it surprised even me Anyway, back to the blue tits....
I've just googled (I was nervous, then I saw that I had safe search on) and they're lovely little birds! A lot less blue than I expected - false advertising. How lucky that you have them in your garden.
You were brave googling that they really sweet little birds but my fav are long tailed tits. The are also called bum barrels in some parts of the country they are so cute. they fly about in groups and are like flying mice. Go on Google
I went to check on the status of our blackbird nest with its three eggs this morning. Nest on the floor, no eggs in sight. Poor things
well there's been no obvious activity in the nest box for a few days...beginning to think it's been abandoned There were crows on the bird table and the blue tits where shrieking out alarm calls from the apple tree next to the nest box.
It was in the bough of an almond tree. Not too bad, except it was only about chest height on me, and I'm 5'2"
Don't keep checking it, just leave it be. I thought the robins in our nest box had abandoned their nest, but the female was in fact just hunkered down very low on her eggs. They raised three successful broods from this nest box last year, it was amazing! We also had pigeons nesting in our hawthorn tree last year; they are nesting in exactly the same spot this year. And we have the great tits in the box down the bottom of the garden. All in all a very fecund place!