Boisterous at the Vets!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Mols, May 5, 2015.

  1. Mols

    Mols Registered Users

    Oct 29, 2014
    I took my 10 month lab to be spayed last week and all went very well :) While I was waiting in reception with her, she became so excited at the arrival of other animals I was politely asked to wait outside. When it was our turn to go in for her to be examined by the vet before her op, she once again became very excited and jumped off the table into a bin and then emptied the contents all over the floor! Quite amusing afterwards but not at the time and I have to go back for her stitches to be removed. I'm dreading it! Tips please on keeping her calm?
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Boisterous at the Vets!

    Might be worth taking some high value treats to get her attention. You could reward her for any attention she gives you. Does she usually become excited when she sees another dog?
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Boisterous at the Vets!

    I'm not very good at the body language think but wondered if it WAS just excitement.
    I must say, being "asked" to wait outside wouldn't have inspired me to confidence with the vet.
    I would have thought if time allowed some repeat visits to the vet just for socialisation would be good.
    I understand your worry.
    This sort of situation needs a settle cue I think but sadly I'm not the one to teach it.
    Wishing you luck. I would go for high value treats too.
  4. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Boisterous at the Vets!

    I've never had excited behaviour at the vets but lots of nervous behaviour.

    My old dog was scared at the vets and if I took him in the waiting room he'd shake and try and leave every time the door opened. I used to leave him in the car until the vet was ready. With my two now they get very worked up so as long as it's not raining I wait outside with them until the vet is ready.

    You could try either method with your dog. It won't stop her being excited in with the vet but it might reduce her excitement so it's not as bad when you go in. As you've already tried the waiting outside maybe leaving her in the car would be worth a try. I agree with the Very tasty treats to keep her attention once your in.
  5. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Boisterous at the Vets!

    It is embarrassing when your dog turns into a nutjob at the Vet's. Especially if all the other dogs look on like disdainful statues. I know I too have suffered.

    I am surprised that your Vet chose to examine your dog on the table, mine always crouches down beside my dog.

    Good luck with the "keep her quiet" bit of post op advice, I too have a boisterous girl and the "keep them quiet" is much easier said than done.
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Boisterous at the Vets!

    Charlie used to be super excited at the vet's - which was a pain because we had to go (and still do have to) a lot.

    I used a range of things.

    First, I'd have him on a harness and a very short lead. And I'd make sure no other dog said hello to him (so he didn't get rewarded for making a fuss).
    I'd reward any bit of attention I got, or any small pause in the madness.
    I would also plan where I'd stand - next to the door is a bad idea, round the corner of the receptionist's desk, slightly out of the way is better.
    When I go into the consulting rooms, I hang on to Charlie's short lead so he can't jump on the vet (he always tries to), clip on his long lead, stand on it, and ignore him (this is his settle cue but it takes ages to train and starting to train it at the vet's is a challenge - the standing on the lead and ignoring your dog is still helpful though).
    Sometimes, I'd abandon all of that active management and just feed him a stream of treats for looking at me.
    Time to time, if I thought we'd have to wait, I'd take his mini mat and a kong....

    Anyway, it got better over time. The nurses and receptionist were always lovely, telling me Charlie is a delight and they love having him. They are clearly lying to make me feel better, but they certainly never asked me to leave, for sure.

    Best of luck with it.
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Boisterous at the Vets!

    We do the same as Julie. Lots of treats and as far behind the reception desk as we can go without actually looking like we work there. Obi is a nutter in the waiting room (fortunately very good for the vet). Afterward we usually get ushered out the back door via the dispensary to avoid further excited barking in reception... All a bit embarrassing at times but that's Life With Labrador :)

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