Does anyone else worry that their dog might be bored? If I was Pongo, I'd be bored to tears. We both work from home, so he has our company most of the day - but we are always on our laptops or reading, paying him no attention. So he sleeps the day away. He always gets a good walk in the morning (a mile or two in very interesting, smelly woodland and farmland), and a couple of runs round the garden, and a few minutes of playtime with us every now and then during the day. And of course there are mealtimes, and he is always alert and on duty in the kitchen whenever any food prep is going on . But otherwise, he probably spends nine or ten hours during the day asleep or dozing.... then another eight hours overnight! Pongo always seems perfectly happy. He doesn't fret, he is utterly undestructive, he is a calm, placid labrador (except if there's another dog to play with!). He is not overweight, he is a good shape and I can feel his ribs. He is strong and fit, and dashes up and down our garden (three in one hillside!) with ease and enthusiasm. When the weather's OK the door is open so he has the option of going out and exploring the garden, yet he usually chooses to stay with us and sleep by our feet. I've absolutely no reason to think he is not happy.... but can't shake off the feeling that he must find it all very tedious! Am I just imposing human values on him? I do hope so!
I think Pongo has a very happy time with you! Chepi will come and stand in front of me and get in my face if she wants something and Pongo doesn't seem to do that. He is well looked after and many a dog would kill to be in his paws
I think you're imposing human values on poor Pongo. He sounds a very happy contented boy. He gets lovely walks and play times and best of all has his people with him all day . Juno is much the same and has always had me at home all day, every day
I don't know if this link will work, looks at much time dogs spend dozing, sleeping compared to hoomans
Phew, that's a relief! I was beginning to think mine might be deprived dogs too ... They're both busy snoozing at the moment!
I think you are, and I think Pongo is lucky. The number one thing most labradors want is your company. And your dog has yours all day. He is a lucky boy
it sounds a great life to me. He is happy and content he loves being with you. I do worry too but all my dogs like a good nap during the day and seem put out if I change the routine. My husband says if I'm not at home they sleep. They like to watch what i get up too laze about.
He's well fed, gets lots of stimulation on his walk, and is with his people most of the time. He gets your attention when he wants to play, and has somewhere safe to doze. That's a pretty good life for a Lab.
Thank you everyone! I shall stop worrying and just enjoy the fact that he is a contented boy. And yes, Jane and Pilatelover, Pongo has a very good grasp of the "Get in their Faces" tactic - he does this every day from precisely 9.30am until we agree that it is now time for his walk. Starts with chin-on-arm-of-chair, moves on to push-favourite-toy-into-lap, escalates to assist-with-laptop-and-drool-onto-the-number-pad, and (if still no response from his stupid hoomans) reaches the nuclear option of pounce-on-dad-with-all-four-feet-and-37kg-of-labrador. As soon as he has had his walk he happily collapses into a day-long snooze. Bless 'im.