Hi and welcome from me and my boy Bailey. Glad you had a good first night and may it be the first of many! What a cutie Marley is . Ha barking and growling at a reflection is something Bailey used to do as it wouldn't play with him...now sits and admires himself with the occasional lick along the mirror
Hi, our breeder had Quinn on pedigree when we got her...her poops were runny and quite big considering her size. Once she settled (around 3 weeks) we very slowly transitioned her food to one we chose, and her poops became firm and much smaller. Enjoy Marley!
Thanks for the replies guys. Marley is doing quite well. Going to try and sort some training out soon as I feel he has settled ok. One thing is for some reason sometimes he looks at me growls and barks for a few seconds and then stops. Any reasons to this?
How does he look when he does this? He may be feeling a bit unsure, since he's brand new, but I'd have thought it's more likely that he's trying to initiate play.
He just looks straight at me for a few seconds head slightly tilted. When he was quiet I took him outside in garden for about half hour which then he was ok
When Bailey does this I say he's singing the song of his people - and yup @snowbunny says its always meant he wants to play!
Wow what a different 24 hours Marley went to bed in his Crate woke up at 4 ish went out did a wee put him back but just cried and cried for hour I had to put him in is playpen where he went quiet and went back to sleep at 5.30 and woke up again at 7.30 Should I just let him sleep in his playpen and hope that he doesn't poo or wee in it as touch wood he hasn't had a accident yet Sooo tired
Oh bless you - lack of sleep comes with puppies I'm afraid. Although personally I've been so lucky with my boy and he has slept through since day one, I now my sister used to set her alarm every two hours when Riley was tiny to take him out. He still wakes at 5.30am to go out and he is 9 mths old - luckily her husband gets up then! I know you need to make night time wees the most boring thing in the world, just out, wee and back to bed. I am sure others will be along and will have better advice for you. But I do feel for you x
Didn't realise it would so tiring lol But to be honest this is his second night with us and both nights he slept straight through for 6 hours which is really good I think. I been sleeping downstairs too and put him to sleep where I want him for the first time I guess it may take time but I guess playpen at night maybe best
I know its tiring, even with a pup sleeping through I kept waking to check on him, and then with the constant watching for toilet breaks during the day, playtime, training and of course cuddle time it is exhausting. Quite a few times when Bales fell asleep on me I also had a nap! It doesn't last forever as they are small for such a short time....promise x
We had LOTS of crying the first few nights, even though she was in our room for the first week. If she cried I took her outside. Wee then straight back in. When she cried again (often very quickly) I'd give her the benefit of the doubt and take her back out. Sometimes she'd wee again, other times she just wanted to party, so it was straight back to the crate. She quickly realised that I meant business and that I didn't tolerate night time parties. But initially I always took her out if she cried. Once I was sure she was empty I'd let her whine it out. This didn't last longer than a week. She did have a few night time accidents but she has a dry fleece (like the vet bed) so at least she wasn't sleeping on wet blankets. If you want Marley to sleep in his crate then I wouldn't put him in his pen if he whines, but that's just based on my (very limited) experience.
Sorry for the repeated questions I was wondering wether it was ok for Marley to run around in the garden without a lead. I haven't been able to train him for anything yet and worries he won't come back if I do?
Is your garden secure so he can't get out? If it is, then no problem. Otherwise, you'd be best to keep him on a line when he's out. He will probably stick quite close to you to start off with - most puppies have a built-in instinct to stay close for the first couple of weeks - but not all have read that book! It's a great time to start working on his recall, whether or not he's on a lead.