Brought him home

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Amar, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Amar

    Amar Registered Users

    Jun 9, 2016
    Well I tried to crate train him in the room that I want him to sleep but every time I left the room he started crying. I didn't go to him only when he was quiet I gave him a treat but he is always crying :(

    Regards to tonight I'm thinking of just freezing treats in a kong and just leaving him there to sleep and if he cries tough. Is this an OK approach? Do they actually stop crying?

    I want to go to my own bed tonight feel depressed and just so tired :( it's so much worse to me than when my little one was born
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    It's normal for them to cry when left alone at first. You need to start with tiny steps - even just popping him in the crate without shutting the door, then closing it for a second, then a couple of seconds, while you stay next to it. Then taking a few steps away, slowly increasing the distance or the time, but not both together (as much as is possible). Then, pop out of sight for the briefest of seconds, and gradually build that up. During the day, I would practice by taking my work into another room for a couple of minutes, and building this up to an hour.

    Start so slowly that there is no time for crying, and try to progress slowly enough that he doesn't feel the need. If he does start to whinge, only go back when he is quiet - listen for a split second of silence, which you can mark with a clicker or with a word, such as "good!" and then go back in to him.

    I found it different at night, and my two barely cried. Willow (who we had first) fried for a few minutes the first and second nights, but that was all.

    Can't you put his crate in your bedroom for the short term? I'm sure he'll settle better being in the same room as you. He's just a baby that's lonely and scared.
  3. Xena Dog Princess

    Xena Dog Princess Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2016
    Wellington, New Zealand
    Have you read the crate training article on the main site? Xena was in her crate overnight immediately (in our bedroom for one week, then I moved it to the living room), but crate training during the day is different, you have to build it up so slowly. You actually won't be putting him in the crate with a shut door for any longer than a few minutes until he's 9 weeks old! I followed the article to the letter and I now have a puppy who's happy to go in the crate because crate = Kong.

    And you have to build up their love of Kongs too by initially making the fillings as delicious as possible (mashed banana and sardines here). Once they get hooked on that THEN you freeze it and get duration out of it.

    Honestly, I barely left Xena alone until 12 weeks apart from 20 mins morning and afternoon for the school run, but there's no separation anxiety now. I can now crate her for 2 hours and she's fine (I know this because if OH is sleeping for night shift he stays asleep - no crying puppy when I have to go out).
  4. Xena Dog Princess

    Xena Dog Princess Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2016
    Wellington, New Zealand
    And yes, initially it is worse than a baby. OH actually said to me "see, we should have had another baby instead". The first few weeks are the worst and I hated them, but we got to 12 weeks and it was like a switch was flicked and everything improved.

    Only 4 weeks to go!
  5. Somatic

    Somatic Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2016
    I slept put on the lounge for the first week or so, until he realised that the crate is his bed. I also used to wait for him to fall asleep for his daytime naps and then pick him up and put him in there, but I left the door open on those occasions. He would sleep some more and then eventually wake up and go get a drink and a wee.

    I was horribly sleep deprived in the first few weeks
  6. Amar

    Amar Registered Users

    Jun 9, 2016
    Thanks again for the replies

    Another night with some more crying in the crate this time for full 2 hours :( I couldn't take anymore as I was just so tired so I picked him when he was quiet and put him in his playpen where he was quiet and slept from 11.30pm to 4.15am but wouldn't settle back until 6am.

    We are now in the stage where we don't think we are able to cope anymore and want to give him up:( We are waking up crying and no sleep. My wife is working from 6am-4pm so I'm with him in my own with my 4 year old.
    I want this feeling to go away but I don't see it happening and I don't want this to reflect on the pup as its not his fault.

    Do you think we need to get perhaps a behaviourist or puppy class?
  7. Somatic

    Somatic Registered Users

    Feb 2, 2016
    A few sleepless night are nothing. It's gonna be a few sleepless weeks. It's hard bringing a puppy into your home. They are like newborn babies. They cry all the time. They poop and pee with no warning. It's just how it is.

    Sleep in the same room as where you want him to sleep. Sleep next to him on the floor if you have to. I had to and it worked out.

    No one ever said it was going to be easy
  8. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    This I'd normal I'm afraid when your 4 year old came home as a tiny baby better it was the same ? It does get better honestly. Hugs
  9. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    I remember this feeling so well! I spent so many times thinking "O my god what have I done I can't cope with this dratted puppy". I promise you it gets better. This is quite normal, I'm afraid - no need to go to a behaviourist, he is just being a puppy. Puppy classes can be good (although they won't help with sleeping through the night, they will give you other puppy owners to compare notes with!). Please try to just hang in there, there will be a time when you suddenly realise that it has got so much better, and then you will be giving this advice to other new puppy owners!
  10. Xena Dog Princess

    Xena Dog Princess Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2016
    Wellington, New Zealand
    Your puppy is just sad and confused and missing his people. The crying will stop and he will quickly start sleeping through (quicker than a human baby) but you're going to have to be consistent with his nighttime routine. Crate or pen, it doesn't matter, but puppies need consistency, so pick one and stick with it for now.
  11. Deejay50

    Deejay50 Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2016
    Kent, UK
    Great photos of Marley. What a beaut! Did you name him after a certain film and book character? if so let's hope he doesn't model his behaviour on that particular dog!

    You seem to have made a great start with him. I envy your first night sleep. Ted's was, shall we say, memorable.

    Just one point from looking at the photo in the playpen, remember to remove his collar if you are to leave him unattended in there or in a crate.
  12. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    I'm wondering how your last few days have been @Amar ?
  13. AlphaDog

    AlphaDog Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2015
    Scared yes, but not sad or missing his people. He's a dog. The key is what's been repeated above -- routine, consistency are key at this early age. If nighttime sleeping is an issue keep him in the crate in your room close by. It's handy to have him close anyway so you can get him quick to go out during the night. If the runny poo has not firmed up yet he should she the vet. It's not unusual for pups to pick up stuff from the breeder like coccidia. Mine had it and was on meds for 10 days.
  14. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Have you given him a cuddle toy like a teddy bear to cuddle up to at night? Mine always have a couple, (with no eyes that they can pull out) and the sleep fine with them. Its a bit like their littler mates, they don't feel so lonely.
  15. Amar

    Amar Registered Users

    Jun 9, 2016
    He was such a good puppy the last few days that he was sleeping through the night from 11pm - 6am with no accidents in the house!! and was showing his personality to us. I was able to sleep normal

    My mum came from holiday and since found she is allergic which was tragic and tried everything but the allergy would not go away so we rehome him to our neighbour :(

    Breeder was so unhelpful That she would not take him back that made me very sad and angry at the same time thinking she was a reputable breeder but seemed she was just in it for the cash

    Luckily our neighbours have take the puppy in and is only 3 doors away so we can have still see him and watch him grow

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