Bud's House ( An Ongoing Diary )

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by KeeperTony44, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014

    Hello Bud,

    You're sooooo lucky being able to claim the sofa! Sofas are really comfy and relaxing, but Tuppy and I don't have much chance to try them.

    We've had lots of fun with 'the grandchildren', though! I especially liked jumping up on the bed to wake up the eldest one with lots of licks and tail-wagging. Tuppy found out how to push the bedroom door open, then I could do my best Tigger bounce onto the bed ...!

    Mum bought us a little plastic pool when the weather was hot, but we much preferred the bigger pools for the grandchildren. Even Tuppy jumped straight in, though mum was a bit worried about our claws. We also had some lovely games in the garden and a walk in the woods ...

    It seems very quiet now they've gone home, but I think we'll be seeing them for more fun soon. :)

    Have you been having some good games with your rope toy? Tuppy and I have been playing tug-of-war with the remains of Tuppy's squeaky snake, so mum now has to hoover the floor because we seem to have left bits of it everywhere - just because Tuppy wouldn't let go. :(

    Enjoy your sofa, Bud. I'm now going to have my evening snooze!

  2. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hello friends,

    Mira - i like the sound of this magic car park you talk about. It must be so good to go on holiday and visit far away places. You like to swim too, like many of my friends here. It certainly does sound like so much fun, but i am not ready to test my water legs just yet. I much prefer to feel the ground under my paws.

    Wispa - sofas are indeed very comfy, and now i have one to myself at certain times of the day i can just climb up onto the soft cushions and stretch out, or curl up, and snooze knowing i wont be asked to 'get down.' I guess your parents use your sofas a lot and there is no time for you and Tuppy. Or maybe they think you might play with the cushions and forget how strong your claws and teeth are.

    I have not been allowed to enter the bedrooms for a very long time now, so i can't wake up mum or dad in the way you wake the little people when they visit you. It must give you a lot of pleasure.

    It certainly sounds like you and Tuppy have been enjoying yourselves. But so have i. Not only have my walks out been long and tasty (i do like to grasp little morsels of grass whenever i can get away with it,) but my time in the garden has been filled with a variety of games designed to get me chasing and jumping, and tugging too (mainly with mum as dad has to be very careful.) But the other day i went outside and noticed the stone ground had turned into lots and lots of little pieces of wood - BARK dad calls it. Named after the noise we make yet it is ever so quiet!! I had hoped i could chew on all of this wood but every time i grab a mouthful i am asked to drop it. Where is the fun in that?

    Anyway, guess what? I turned 1 year old yesterday, and what a day i had. There were new toys including a big rope ball, and a tasty chicken flavoured bone toy that i just cannot destroy. And there was a large ball shaped thing which makes funny noises when it moves, and it drops little treats from inside now and again. YUMMY. I ate more food yesterday than i have on any ordinary day, with extra ham, and banana, and some kind of crunchy doggy birthday cake (i receive a piece every day as it is too much dad says to eat all at once.) A fantastic day. I wonder when the next birthday will arrive!!:p

    I think dad is adding some photos to the end of my chat, so i will say take care to you all for now. Keep safe and enjoy yourselves. I will be thinking of you all when i am not chatting here in my other house.

    Your friend Bud.x

  3. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hello Bud,

    A very Happy Birthday for yesterday! It sounds as if you had a great time!

    Those noisy-big-balls-with-yummy treats are good, aren't they. I used to play with mine a lot before Tuppy came, but now mum 'forgets'. I think it's because Tuppy tries to grab mine too, so we have to play with them in separate rooms. I must remind mum ... Your photos are lovely; you still have such expressive eyes and a lovely, shiny coat. Make the most of sleeping on the comfy sofa!

    Your new toys sound really good - and cake too! You'll have to wait a long time for another birthday, though. Mine is 'after the summer' mum says, but Tuppy's is before mine and hers is also 'after the summer'.

    Tuppy says Happy Birthday too. Enjoy your new toys (and cake)!

    PS Tuppy wants mum to show you a photo of how brave she was in the pool but mum says she'll find it later.
  4. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Morning Wispa (and Tuppy),

    Thank you very much for my birthday greeting (dad says it is very polite to offer a thank you, and i like to think i am a polite young dog.) Thank you also for your kind words regarding my photos. I don't know why dad shares so many - you all know what i look like.

    Yes, these noisy balls are just huge fun. However, me being me, there is a larger hole in one side of mine now. (i can't help it if my teeth are so strong can i!) The treats tend to fall out much more easily so sometimes i have just the ball to play with. Dad sometimes mutters "they just don't make toys strong enough for bitey rascals like you." It's true though. My rope ball is still intact......at the moment.:)

    I loved the photo of you and Tuppy out walking. You seemed very interested in what was in the hand of that person next to you. Tuppy appears more interested in the person taking the photo. I hope to be able to share more photos of my walks out soon. Dad has found it harder to capture what he says is a decent image when it is just the two of us out. Maybe when mum joins us again for the long, long walks this will change.

    I am disappointed that i have to wait a long time for another birthday. But i will try to be patient. Mum says there is another occasion that happens near the end of the year, when the weather is colder. That will seem like a birthday so i will look forward to that day. Yours and Tuppy's birthdays will be before this occasion though by the sounds of it. I hope you receive lots of wonderful treats and toys.

    I think Tuppy showing bravery in the pool might give mum and dad ideas of how to introduce me to swimming. The stretches of water i come across when out don't allow for me to wander out into the wet - i would simply be dropping into the 'deep' water and that does not make me feel very comfortable.

    Well, i am going to return to my nap on the sofa. I woke mum and dad really early today, though i don't know why.

    Lovely catching up with you Wispa, as always.

  5. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,
    Happy birthday for yesterday. My dad showed me the pictures and you look very handsome.
    I had a birthday last year. I had a walk in the woods with Pongo, Benson, Casper and Harley then we all shared a chicken cake with bacon topping. Yummy. I hope I have another birthday like that this year. It would be nice to have a walk and cake with my buddies again.
    You're very lucky to sleep on the sofa. My people don't let me on the furniture, but I slip into the bed after they go to sleep. Its nice to snuggle up between them.
    I agree with you and Wispa that noisy balls with treats are great fun. I love chasing mine around in the kitchen as it makes a really loud noise when it crashes into things. I wish it contained more treats!
    My dad makes my rope balls. He has an old rope in the garage and cuts off a bit when I need a new one then does something called a "MONKEYSFISTIFOUNDONGOOGLE". He sometimes gives them to my special doggy friends as presents.
    Did I tell you that I have a new pal called Ted? He's a black labrador who lives next door. Ted's a lttle older and more sensible than me but still loves to play when we meet. Sometimes we go nose to nose through a hole in the fence and whimper at each other. It would be nice if we didn't have a fence as we'd be able to play all day.
    Take care. Your pal,
  6. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hi there Holly,

    Great to hear from you, and thank you so much for my birthday greeting. Thanks also for saying i am a handsome dog. Nearly made me blush i think (if i actually knew what blushing is!) Wow.....you spent your last birthday with Pongo and Harley, Casper and Benson. That would have been so amazing. And wowwowwow - chicken cake with bacon on top!!!!!! I have to try some of that (looking at dad with excited yet pleading eyes.) Dad has asked if this was made by your people (as you say?) He is nodding approvingly as if he likes the idea and is surprised he never thought of it, having recently made a human cake for him and mum that i was not allowed to share (TOO SICKLY i was told.)

    I used to be able to share the big bed upstairs, and i agree with you it is so comfy and reassuring to snuggle close to mum and dad. Haven't been in that room for a long time now. And i only have access to the sofa now it has shrunk in size, and mum and dad sit in comfy chairs a lot of the time.

    Dad is nodding again - he is impressed that your dad makes our rope balls and has just found on his screen something which shows him how to make them. I think your dad has given my dad even more ideas now - i hope he gets time to rest as he already does a lot around the house and with me.

    I believe you did mention your new friend next door. Not sure if you told me his name though. Ted sounds like a wonderful neighbour, and i can imagine you both talking to each other through the hole in the fence. I am pretty good at making small holes bigger, but i don't think it would be a good thing to do making your hole in the fence bigger. Fences are there for a reason after all, aren't they Holly.

    I have remembered something Mira said to me when we last spoke. She was talking about her holiday and had wondered if you have had a HOLLYDAY. Must be cool having something named after you. Have you been on any exciting trips recently?

    Oh well, must go and drag my toys out into the garden as the sun is out.

    Stay safe my friend. Take care.

  7. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,
    My people made the chicken cake. They found the recipe on the tippy tappy thing. The bacon wouldn't stick to the cake so they stuck it on with cream cheese. It was so yummy! Benson swallowed a whole slice in one bite!
    My dad always leaves a bit of rope hanging out from his rope balls. He uses it to swing the ball around his head so he can throw it further. It makes it even more fun to chase when it has a tail flapping behind it. Dads are so clever!
    I took my people on Hollyday this year to the lake District. My dad helped me to put a few pictures online.
    I had to go to the vet man today because my ear itches. He was very nice but said I have an EARINFECTION so I have to have drops in it. I don't like ear drops. Hopefully my people wll give me treats to distract me while I have the drops put in.
    I have to go as dad wants the tippy tappy thing back.
    Take care. Your pal,
  8. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hello again Holly,

    Dad showed me some of your photos, and WOW WOW WOW WOWWWWWW!!! Great images of you swimming, and climbing, and generally being free and enjoying yourself. And if i may say, you look absolutely amazing. I look forward to one day being able to visit such wide, open spaces.

    I think dad is going to be considering making me one of those chicken cakes with bacon and cream cheese. I don't know when but i will let you know if it happens. It might be on a special day, but i am sure i will be able to wait. Well, maybe!

    I agree with you. Dads are clever. My dad is very good at ......(what is that word he uses? Oh yes)...... improvising. Because i chew through tennis balls in minutes he occasionally attaches one to the end corner of an old, stretched comfort blanket i had when i was little (i now just chew on it when bored.) He then throws the ball and as i go to fetch it, it flies back to dad like it is a YOYO (no idea what this is but it is a comparison dad is using.) He swings it around his head, and my head, and all over the place and i try to catch hold of it. Sometimes i do if i leap high enough. or if i am very, very quick. He flings it over the washing line and moves it along and i hurry after it on my back legs until i have to drop to all four paws. I enjoy this game but i rarely get to really chew on the ball. But i think that is the whole point.

    Sorry to hear that you have an itchy ear. I have had ear drops a few times, and it can be a little uncomfortable when they go in. But our parents find ways to ease us through don't they. I won't be visiting Mr Simon my vet man for another few weeks, providing i remain healthy. Haven't seen him in quite a while now as it has been a nurse, or other friendly staff when i have been weighed.

    Well, i think it is time for a snooze on the sofa before my lunch. Then i rest a little to digest my food before some mad play time. Might attack that broom thing if dad uses it outside. I always get some fun out of chasing it around the ground.

    Look after yourself my friend.

  9. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Hi Bud. Happy belated birthday. Sorry it's so late but my mum has been really busy lately so I haven't been on here. I love your photos and you certainly are a handsome chap
    Chicken cake is THE BEST, you really do need to try it.
    I'm lucky and do share the sofa with mum and dad and I get to sleep with them too . I do like my cuddles .
    I have been on lots of really good walks recently and gave done lots of swimming as its been quite hot. The water helps to cool me down . You should try it one day, it's amazing
    Anyway, I'm off for a snooze before tea.
    Take care my friend,
    Harley x
  10. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hello Harley,

    It is always such a pleasure hearing from you when your mum is not busy. I understand how busy our parents can be so it makes sense why your visits to my 'house' are limited. Thank you for your kind words, and birthday greeting.

    I think dad is definitely looking into learning how to make the chicken cake, and maybe, just maybe, i won't have to wait for a special day to try it. He spends a lot of time in the kitchen so a little more time should not be a problem.

    I am like you Harley - i like cuddles too. I am told that i am more of a mummy's boy, and me and mum cuddle more than i do with dad, though i love cuddles with dad too. I turn to dad more for food, walks and play as he is around the most for all of these things. I used to love the human bed, and it is nice to hear that you sleep with your parents as it can be so warm and cosy. I don't miss that bed though. I have adapted really well to my own little space.

    I am sure i will try swimming when i am introduced to the water in a comfortable manner. I know mum and dad want me to experience all the wonderful things that you and my other friends enjoy. For now, my long walks give me plenty of freedom and give me reason to smile as only us dogs can. :D

    Enjoy your tea after your little nap. I am off to play with whatever toy i can get into my mouth first.

    Stay safe Harley my friend. Look after yourself.

  11. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    This is the chicken cake and me with my buddies waiting for mum to cut it! Left to right: Benson, Harley, Casper, Pongo and me.


  12. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Hello Bud mate!

    Sorry I've not been to visit for a while - so much going on. Hey, happy birthday - even though it's a bit late! I know about birthdays, I had one AGES ago, and mum says I can have another one when I am a bit older. Why do I have to wait until I'm older, I wonder? Anyway, they are great, aren't they?

    It was my dad's birthday yesterday. He didn't get any chew toys but he did get other things, and I helped him get the paper off all of them. I am Very Good at Unwrapping Presents. I even gave him one of my favourite dentastick chews as a present, I put it inside a little bag-to-go-on-the-back-of-his-bike that mum bought. I helped him unwrap that one first and I unwrapped it Very Fast. And he said he was happy just to have the bag, so I could have the chew! Silly daddy.

    Then three of my hoomansisters came round, and they brought some Little-People. These Little-People have been turning up a lot recently. There was a new one yesterday who was very very very very small and just smelled a bit funny and made strange noises. But the other one is getting a bit bigger and has now learned to drop FOOD for me when he is eating which is a very good thing.

    And hey, listen Bud, I know what that thing is that happens when the weather gets colder! It is like a birthday but EVERYONE gets presents and FOOD. And you have to help get the paper off all the presents for everyone, but you MUSTWAITTILWEAREALLREADY or you get told off. It happened here last time it was cold. Look, here are some pictures to show you what to do. The first is me being a Very Good Boy with all the presents. The second is just after I'd helped open them all. I was a bit tired. Mum calls them her KRISMASBEFOREANDAFTER pictures.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xh7ndd63tg51sq/xmas tree 14.jpg?dl=0


    I hope I have a quiet day today. Yesterday I spent ALL DAY being a Good Host and that meant I had to talk to everyone and play with everyone and not have any little naps AT ALL because everyone wanted to play with me and give me treats and when the last person left in the evening I just fell over and snored. Still a bit whacked today, I have to admit. I think I'll go for a little lie down now.

    Speak later, Bud

    Your mate
  13. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hello everyone,

    Dad has not been here (again) for a little while so i have been playing and snuggling with mum. He is back now though and i have heard him and mum talking and it sounds like he won't be going away again. He just needs to go slow, and i think that also means how he and i play and generally interact. The weather has been quite mixed but us dogs love being out in most weathers don't we?

    Holly - the pictures of you and your friends waiting patiently for your piece of chicken cake are amazing. How well behaved you are, and the cake looks delightful. I do need to ask though, and dad says this might be a silly question, but is the cake only edible by us dogs? I had been wondering if it had been made with only human food or if there was a canine ingredient?

    PONGO! Hi there mate. Fantastic photos. I just about remember Christmas, and a tree with gifts laying underneath waiting for me to tear off the outside paper. I was only a few months old and i don't think i was quite as good as you. The days leading up to the big day i had been very patient and only occasionally sniffing at the boxes and paper.

    Yes, birthdays are wonderful. Such a shame we have to wait a WHOLE YEAR before a new one comes around. That sounds like a lifetime away, but maybe i can convince mum and dad to celebrate the day i entered their lives as this date is fairly close, and must be worthy of a few gifts and extra food:p

    Big tail wags and an offered paw to your dad to say a late Happy Birthday. Don't know why he didn't want the chew you gave him. We would gladly eat human food wouldn't we ( i think you have a much greater share than i currently do!) so surely our parents could benefit from sharing our food.

    I don't have any contact with really little people, but i like the sound of the one who drops food for you to eat. He must really like you.

    Guess what Pongo. I came closer the other day to finding my swimming legs. I was running around like a mad thing over a large stretch of parkland when i noticed these DUCKS over by the big pond. They had just come out of the water and i thought it would be a good idea to go and introduce myself. So ignoring dad (doesn't happen often) i ran, ran, ran, ran, ran, skidded and SPLASH. I very quickly climbed back out and shook water everywhere, again ignoring dads strange expression. I didn't enjoy that soaking but i am a little more reassured that when the time comes for me to take my first swim by choice, it will be a safe and happy experience.

    Well, i am off outside to my extra bed in the gazebo for a short snooze. Dad is out there with these BREW things they drink so i will go and keep him company.

    Always great to catch up with you Pongo. Keep well. We will talk again soon.

    ​Your friend Bud

    And to all of my friends, enjoy the rest of this summertime. Chat with you all soon. x
  14. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Oh, Bud! That's not a good introduction to water if you fall in! Try paddling next time and don't let the ducks distract you! Tuppy's easily distracted by ducks too, but she's discovered that she likes duck poo and thinks it's her job to 'hoover' it up - mum has to get quite cross with her, but of course I don't bother with such things, as I'm too busy sniffing to see who's been walking by the lake.

    We've been to the beach recently on our holiday (after a long, long car journey) and had a lovely time playing in the sea with our springer spaniel friend Millie. There were sheep and cows and all sorts of new things to sniff. Here I am playing in a field ... and Tuppy is chasing me trying to get my toy as well as hers!



    As well as Millie, there was our young family's ENORMOUS cat too. I don't think Tuppy quite knew what it was, although she had met him last year, but I have learned that cats are always in charge, especially when they're BIG and SCARY, so I'm very careful not to upset him!

    I hope your dad is enjoying your company, as well as his BREW. It's very possible for us to adjust to being gentle and slow when we have to be, isn't it. I used to walk really slowly and play gently with my dad, but nobody would think I could do that if they saw me bouncing around with the young members of my family.

    Time to check the garden for foxes now, then have my snooze.

  15. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,
    Don't be put off by your water experience. I did the same thing when I was a puppy. I charged into some water and found my feet weren't on the bottom. I realised that I was swimming, which was a real surprise! Now I love splashing around and playing swimmy-fetch with dad. Sometimes I stand in the water a few feet away and challenge dad to come into the water and get the ball for himself! Its great fun.

    The cake was made just for us dogs. No hoomans were allowed to eat it. We all sat down to wait because we're all very polite dogs.
    Opening presents sounds fun. I have a birthday soon so it would be fun to learn how to open presents. Is there a good way to get into presents?
    Time to go out now. Ted's in his garden so we have to say sniffy-hello through the fence.
    Take care. Your pal,
  16. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Hello Bud and everyone!

    Hey Bud, it's good you're getting some water time. Really, you do just need to walk in and you'll find you're Swimming, which just means that you do walking without touching the ground (I know it sounds weird but just trust it, it works). The only thing you need to watch is not to try to bark with excitement at the same time as Swimming because things seem to go wrong then. I forget this every time.

    Wispa - so you like the sea? Mum and dad took me to the sea once long ago and it was quite good but I didn't really like the way the water sneaks up on you. It pounced on me from behind! Really cheeky, and bad manners I think because I hadn't invited it to play. So I jumped on it but it just slithered away, and then another bit of water pounced on me from behind and then hid, and I got a bit annoyed with it. AND it tastes funny. I prefer lakes and rivers where the water tastes nice and it doesn't move around quite so much and it doesn't POUNCE.

    Holly - if you like I can give you some present-opening tips when we meet up at the end of the month! I am Very Very Very Good at opening presents. The trick is to find a bit of paper at the corner and PULL. Quite often my dad helps by just loosening a little corner and showing me where to grab on, and then we play the tuggy game and the paper starts to come off, and then I grab another bit and more comes off, and then more, and then I get all excited and LOTS of paper comes off, and then I have to go for a dog-goes-crazy run round the room with paper in my mouth. And then it is time for the next present.

    And oh Holly, I remember that chicken cake. Oh yes. I remember it. I do, I do, I do. The Chicken Cake. THE CHICKEN CAKE. Oh yes. Yes yes yes yes yes. In fact I think I'll go for a nap now and try to dream about it. Oh that chicken cake. Chickenychickenychickenycakecakecake. Oh yes.

    Drooly licks
  17. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hello everyone,

    Hope you're all having fun. I think Wispa's told you about our long, long journey. I didn't like it very much, but I tried hard to sleep like Wispa did and keep calm and quiet. It was worth it, though, because we had lovely walks and even got to play on the beach!

    The sea does funny things, doesn't it, Pongo. You're right, it does sneak up and pounce - but I was so busy rushing along splashing that I didn't mind and felt very brave! The waves were quite gentle really, so I loved just dashing along in the water with Wispa and Millie while my family ran along the beach.

    I was much more scared of the strange monster in the chalet, though. There was a HUGE, black, fluffy thing which kept hiding by the sofa, under what mum calls 'the throw' (only she doesn't throw it!). When I tried to investigate, the sofa seemed to come alive and I was being attacked by a white bundle with black paws sticking out of it. When I sniffed at it, the white bundle smelt like the HUGE, black, fluffy cat which usually lives with our friend Millie .. Was I scared!

    Chicken cake sounds yummy! It's my birhday soon, so I'm off to drop some hints to mum ...! My tummy is telling me it's time for breakfast now, though!

  18. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Morning everyone,

    It seems like AGES since i last spoke with you all, and i must apologise if there are messages i have not responded to. Dad is not able to help talk with you all as often as he used to, and i don't think i will ever fully master this tappy box. I am a dog after all and these things are not designed for paws and inquisitive tongues.

    There has been quite a bit going on just lately. Much of it has been outside and involved almost day long walking and playing, but a new set of games have been introduced. Well, i think they are games. They seem quite fun but there is a little strictness involved now and again and i appear to have to work hard to earn my treats. I am guessing that it has something to do with how excitable i get around other people and dogs. Even though i know, and mum and dad know, i only want to play, other people look at me with a horrible look at times, say nasty things and won't let their dogs play with me. Dad comes to my defense but he shouldn't have to deal with confrontations. Because i am quite a strong young boy, and i tend to want to play a lot with my mouth open, i am seen by some people as scary. I ONLY WANT TO SAY HELLO AND ASK YOU TO PLAY.

    Anyway, mum and dad are doing there very best to help me come across as a calmer and friendly dog. But what i love so very much is that they don't wish to take away who i am. I like being playful and i have no desire to hurt anyone when i nibble, or growl, as i play tug, and when i jump around madly i don't mean to be so forceful. I am just so very happy to be alive and just want to play, play, play......and sleep (and eat whenever i can.)

    I have also heard some talking about dad's anxiety, and wondering if it could be transferred in any way to me because i apparently show signs of this on occasions. In a few weeks i am visiting Mr Simon the vet man and we will be discussing this issue (well, i will more than likely be seeking attention,) as well as having my yearly boost and general check up.

    Wispa - love the photos of you and Tuppy. I still envy that you have each other for company, especially when out. It must certainly make play so much more enjoyable. We have the occasional cat pass along the back fence of our garden. I take exception to them and in my own voice try to tell them to go away. They do but not always with any great speed.

    Holly - my experience with water won't put me off eventually learning to swim. With me it will take a lot more time and the ideal environment. Thanks for confirming that the chicken cake was for us dogs only. I am sure dad had been considering improvising and making one we could all eat!!!!!!!!!

    Pongo - You really do think with your stomach don't you:) One wonders just how much chicken cake you actually ate.

    Tuppy - Have you had your birthday yet?

    I am going off for a nap now. Dad is out in the gazebo reading and the sky looks very angry and i sense it might rain yet again shortly so a sleep is a good way to pass the time until i start charging after balls and chewing on this bone toy which just will not break.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Your friend Bud.

  19. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Hi Bud, good to hear from you, I'm just in the middle of a BONE at the moment and it is bigger than my own head so is proving quite a challenge but I'm getting there and it is DELICIOUS but finding it a little hard to concentrate so will get back to you later...

  20. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,

    Meeting new people can be sooooo exciting. They might want to play, or feed me, or be licked. I sometimes forget myself and jump so my people give a tug on the lead and remind me. It is hard to be a well behaved dog sometimes.

    Day long walking and playing sounds great. I can't think of anything better than spending a whole day walking with my people. I LOVE long walks with them.

    A few days ago I met with Pongo, Maisie, Harley and (blush) my boyfriend Ted and we all went for a walk together. It was great fun running through the trees and having a sly dunk in the river. Afterwards we all went to a cafe and I helped my people with their flapjacks. Yummy!

    We're having another walk on my Birthday in October. I hope my people can arrange a swim with my buddies and chicken cake afterwards!

    Take care.

    Your pal, Holly

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