Bud's House ( An Ongoing Diary )

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by KeeperTony44, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hello Holly,

    Sounds like your birthday was absolutely wonderful. Those cakes certainly sound delicious, and to share them with your friends says a lot about your generosity and kindness. And another fruity flapjack the day before, how perfect is that.

    You have your dad all week. That must make you really happy.

    Do you really think i am brave having a crate? I am still trying to understand why i took exception to it when i was younger. It doesn't stop me being with mum and dad because much of the time i am awake the door is kept open so i can play with them or snuggle next to them whenever i want. But when i have a snooze, or if i am really restless and it is stopping them from relaxing, then the door is closed for a while. But i really don't mind as there is no time where i feel restricted. My main bed is upstairs which is where i curl up for the night. And i have an outside bed in the gazebo which gets put on the grass in the warmer months so i can soak up the sun (i love the sunshine.)

    Great to hear from you Holly. Catch up with you again soon. Keep well.

    Your friend Bud.
  2. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Hi Bud, and hi everyone, and HELLO HOLLY!

    HOLLY! Can you hear me Holly? I just wanted to say THANK YOU for getting your dad to give my mum directions for such a FANTASTIC walk! Mum took me on it today and it was quite a long way in the car and I didn't like that bit very much but then we went out for ages and ages and I ran through woods and fields and muddy paths and there was a bit up high where I could smell the WHOLE WORLD and then there was a bit down low and then there was some SHEEP but they didn't want to play with me and then mum sat down and I shared her BANANA and CHEESE and then we went on again and there was more fields and woods and a nice house and I was good and didn't pee on their flowerpot and then there was another walkie bit with lots of leaves and then more woods and SUCH SMELLS and then there was a very very strange loud noise in the wood that sounded a bit like a dog but not and mum looked a bit worried so we went on a bit and then we were back at the car and I jumped in.

    Oh wow, Holly, it was just FAB!!!!

  3. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hello everyone,

    It sounds as if you've been having lots of fun on your walks. I love scrabbling through the leaves and sniffing all the new smells. There are more and more leaves on the ground now, so my on lead walks are getting slower and slower. Mum usually starts off at a brisk pace (I think she says it's her exercise too as well as mine) but I just can't resist all the new smells once we get to the park!

    Crates are good, Bud. I'm glad you've discovered how cosy yours is. Mine has a cover on the top and soft bedding inside, with two lovely blankies too. Well, it usually does, but that Tuppy thinks it's a good game to drag my bedding out and play with it, especially my lovely cuddly blankie. She usually does it to get my attention when she thinks it's time to play. Mum has tried to train her to put it back, but she won't! We always have a Kong when we are shut in our crates, sometimes a yummy frozen banana one. Although I have another comfy bed by a radiator in mum's study, I like just sneaking into my crate when I need some peace and quiet. I curl up on my blankie and have a snooze, away from Tuppy!

    Have fun, everyone.

  4. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,

    I told Pongo's mum about one of my secret walks that I do with dad. I think he enjoyed it.

    Its been a funny weekend. Mum and dad have some friends staying. They are rather old and can't walk very far. I can't understand people not walking a long way - I've never known people who don't want to walk all day. Worst of all they don't want me to sleep on their bed with them so they close the door. I whimpered but they wouldn't let me in. I only want to be freindly and keep their feet warm.

    Sometimes I really don't understand people!

    Dad got me up very early this morning and took me for a walk before everyone else was out of bed. It was really nice. We saw some deer - they're like big dogs with funny sticks on their heads. They don't like to play and keep running off into the woods. Deer are funny!

    At the end of the walk we had a nice game of swimmy fetch.

    This afternoon they sat in front of the light box and watched something called rugby. I kept bringing them toys but they didn't want to play.

    I hope we have a better day tomorrow.

    Your pal,

  5. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Morning friends,

    I kept looking up at this tappy box over the days but i could not find a way to talk with you all on my own. Mum and dad seem to have been concerned with some news they received so dad has been unable to help me contact you as often as we would have liked (mum says his head hasn't been in the right place!!!!) How does that make sense as his head is where it has always been, on his neck.

    Wispa - has Tuppy still been taking your cosy blankie? I know i say it a lot but it must be so nice to have her there to demand your attention. I love to play so much and i am sure i could jump about all over the place all day given the chance (i think though my body craves sleep and food as much as it does excitement.)

    Hey, everyone, do you like playing in fallen leaves? I have noticed on our long walks out that a lot of the ground is covered with the leaves from the trees. I don't know why they have escaped from the safety of their branches because now everybody tramples all over them. But boy oh boy it is fun to charge through them and scatter them everywhere. The ground generally is much softer now and i get muddier than i did in the summer. I still don't like getting too dirty, which i know is strange for us dogs. Mum and dad are great though as they clean me up as best they can as i try and play with the towel and the brush.

    I was a little poorly the other day. I think i managed to sneak something into my tummy that dad didn't see me eat. I hope i don't do that again because i don't like feeling ill. A few days of chicken and rice sorted me out and i am now at my fittest and providing hours of enjoyment with nearly everything i do. I still have to be very careful when playing because i am so strong in myself, but i love how i am allowed to be my natural self.

    Anyway, breakfast time is soon so off to show some of my best behaviour (i can smell BANANAS. YIPPEE!!!:D

    Stay safe and well.

    Your friend Bud.x
  6. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hello Bud,

    Good to hear from you. I'm sorry you've had a poorly tummy. It's not nice, is it, but chicken and rice does seem to sort things out - and is tasty, too. Tuppy and I both had had some recently when we had eaten something that made us feel a bit sick, but I had to lick up a lot of the rice from the floor, as it was really difficult to eat it from my green bowl. Tuppy made even more mess than me!.

    We've just had a lovely weekend being looked after by one of our young masters while mum went to visit some friends. I'm not sure that he liked us waking him up very early, though (I think I heard something about 'It's only just 5 o'clock!"). We were having such a great fun that it seemed a pity to waste too much time sleeping, so Tuppy and I decided to start the days a bit earlier. We even got to go upstairs to sleep when he'd given up and let us out of our crates. I tried to settle down and make the most of it, but Tuppy ruined it all by only settling for a little while and then wanting to play. I don't think we were very popular - I think I even heard him say something like, "I don't think we'll have any pets!" Oh dear! We'd had some lovely walks and good games too - and even only gave mum a quick greeting when she came home, then rushed back to play.

    Yes, Tuppy's still stealing my blankie. She does it especially when I've just settled down in my day bed and she thinks I ought to play. You're right, it's good to have a friend to play with and we have lovely tuggy games with our toys, but I do wish she'd give me a bit of peace sometimes. She even pushes in when I'm trying to have some time with mum.

    Look after your dad and mum, Bud. I know you're very special and give them lots of fun.

    Chat again soon,

  7. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,
    Sorry to hear about your tummy. I get the same when I eat the wrong things. I know i shouldn't eat them but sometimes they just call to me and I can't ignore them.
    I love fallen leaves too. They're so kickable and scatterable when I run through them. I get really excited and run round and round and scatter them all over. Dad calls me a daft pup, but I don't think he means it. There's a smile in his voice when he says it.
    Dad has been taking me on some lovely big walks. Two weeks ago we spent a whole morning walking in this big forest, all the way down to a river, along the river, and back through the forest. We had a few chasy games with the tennis ball, and I had some swims. There were some nice big sticks that needed to be carried, and lots of new smells. It was a wonderful walk. I can't wait to go there again.
    I've just had a strange weekend. Mum and dad had to go away so they left me with Mrs Ann. She was very nice to me and gave me nice walks and treats, but her bed was small and I had to sleep on the floor. We had a lovely game of hunt the apple in her garden. She would hide an apple and I'd search for it, then eat it! I missed Mum and dad dreadfully and was so pleased to see them again on Sunday. Its nice to be home. Curling up between them on the bed feels so right.
    Do you get bananas for breakfast? I'd like that a lot. I wonder how I can tell Mum and dad to put a banana in my bowl with the kibble. How do you tell them that you want some banana? I just sit and look at the food, then look at them, but they don't always get the message. People can be funny sometimes!
    Take care. Your pal,
  8. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hello Wispa and Holly

    No it isn't nice being poorly. Thank you for your kind words. You're right Wispa, it does take a lot longer to eat rice from the green bowl. I manage to keep it off the ground though but my green bowl is placed inside a slightly larger bowl which is raised off the ground, alongside my water bowl. It prevents me from eating at ground level and aids in my swallowing of food and water. I never really understood the change when my bowls were being raised further from the ground as i grew bigger, but i did notice that eating and drinking was more comfortable for me.

    I didn't realise there was a 5 o'clock in the morning Wispa!!! I am still asleep at that time. Normally it is something like 6am when i begin my day unless i am really, really restless and wake up wanting mum and dad to come and play (this doesn't happen often.) Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your young master though it must be nice to have your mum back home. I miss my mum whenever she goes out, and sometimes she is away for hours. But i have dad to keep me company and he is certainly good at playing games even though i know it exhausts him. I am learning how to stop and go and rest though when i sense he needs to rest also, and after a refreshing drink i soon curl up for a well deserved snooze.

    (Hey Tuppy.....let Wispa have a little time to rest with her blankie. :) I know it is sometimes hard to sit still when all you want to do is play. That is exactly what i can be like. Maybe though you can find some way of playing that doesn't disturb Wispa during her quiet times.)

    Holly - thanks also for your kind words. I too get called "daft" or "crazy" when i go into speed mode and run around in continuous circles, tearing up any grass and leaves that i run through. I find also that if i am carrying a stick, or a ball, or even a portion of my stretchy lead at those times i am attached, all i want to do is run and run and prevent dad from collecting what i am holding. If it is in my mouth it is mine and i will guard it for as long as possible.

    I remember sleeping on the parental bed Holly. It was nice but i do appreciate that mum and dad need to have quality time and this is mainly when we all need to sleep. I love my bed though, and i curl up at mum and dad's feet in the living room until it is time for my bed.

    I don't really know if i do anything to receive banana Holly. It is not every morning but when mum and dad have them then i do also. I smell them instantly and see dad eating one, and then my breakfast also includes some nice little chunks. Maybe i will get to have some apple now and again. That would be nice.

    Well, i am off to play bouncy ball and then tug. Always lovely to chat with you Holly, and Wispa. Look after yourselves The same to all of my other friends. Keep well.

    Your friend Bud.
  9. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,
    I just HAVE to tell you. Dad and I invented a new game last night. I think its called "ohbothermumhasmadetoomanychips".

    Basically, we go into the garden in the dark, I sit at one end and dad stands at the other. He breaks a bit off a chip and throws it at me, and I have to catch it before it hits the ground. Its brilliant!

    Your pal,

  10. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Evening Holly.

    That chip game sounds amazing!! I don't think i have tried chips yet, but i know mum and dad have them once or twice a week. Hopefully now dad has seen we can eat a little bit now and again without causing any harm (dad will always be cautious when it involves human food, and every dog is different so where one may be fine with certain foods, another may not be. I think dad worries that i will be that dog who gets ill.) i will get more of a taste.

    We do play a similar game with other items of food. Sometimes it is my treats, and other times it might be banana or a rare piece of flapjack, or a piece or two of chicken if it has been cooked for their dinner. Like with you and your dad i will sit at the top of the garden and dad will stand at the house end, and then i too will leap in the air to catch the food and swallow it with hardly any attempt at chewing. Dad has also on occasions attached a food treat to my frisbee or whichever ball i may be playing with. Once i retrieve it i am rewarded with a tasty snack.

    Thanks for sharing your new game with me Holly. Lets hope your mum continues to accidentally make too many chips.:)

    Take care.

    Your friend Bud
  11. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hello Bud,

    What has Wispa been telling you? Has she been complaining about me? All I've tried to do is take her blankie to her when she's having a nap in her day bed! Does she look unhappy? Do I look guilty?!


    Just to get my own back, I've now taken the vetbed out of both of our daybeds so she can't have her after-supper-snooze. I really can't help it if I feel like playing before my evening nap. Wispa enjoys playing too, but perhaps she's trying to pretend she's more sensible than me because she's a bit older! :)

    "ohbothermumhasmadetoomanychips" sounds like a very good game. What's chewing, by the way? I don't think I do that, I just swallow quickly! I think I'm going to see what mum's cooking before I have my nap - I wonder whether she'll cook chips?

    Take care, everyone.

  12. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Hello Tuppy,

    Great to hear from you. To be honest Wispa does look a little unhappy, and i'm afraid you do look a little bit guilty. And i notice you have overall control of what i assume is the blankie in question? You have also just admitted to now taking the vetbed as well!!!! You really are determined to play aren't you:) You and me are a lot alike when it comes to being active, but i also am more than happy to just flop down and have a long snooze in my crate, at mum and dads feet, and even in the gazebo outside if dad is there or in the garden.

    Chewing by the way is where we use our teeth to grind our food so that it goes into our stomach in smaller pieces. It apparently helps us to taste what we are eating too i think. Sadly, like you Tuppy, i just tend to swallow with only the occasional crunch and chew. My green bowl though has slowed down my feeding but it hasn't stopped the swallow first manner of eating. If i get to sample any chips i will be sure to let you know.

    Are you and Wispa noticing a change in the air at all? It is getting a little colder isn't it? Dad keeps saying he is hoping for a "White Christmas" this year......he has waited over 40 years for what he classes as such an event. I recognise this word "Christmas." Isn't that when we tear open lots of paper and discover goodies inside? Wonder how long we have to wait.

    Right, play time i think. Might just pounce on dads outstretched feet to invite him to join in the fun.

    Oh, here's a recent photo. Balls never last long with me.

    Keep safe and well Tuppy (and everyone)

    Your friend Bud
  13. KeeperTony44

    KeeperTony44 Registered Users

    Sep 27, 2014
    Morning to all of my friends. Even though it has been quite some time since i came and had a chat with you all, this will be only a brief visit as there are a lot of things going on. Dad isn't getting onto his tappy box anywhere near as much as he used to and i simply cannot work the device all by myself.

    Firstly, i hope you are all keeping safe and well. I am very well indeed, full of bounciness and eagerness to impress everyone who comes near me. There are still so many people who do not want to play with me but myself, mum and dad have reached the decision that we only need each other, and those few people who do appreciate me for the lovable yet crazy young dog that i am. My play date last year at the vet place was put on hold due to dad's poor health but is scheduled for the month of February now, and i understand that this will help everyone get a better idea just how i mix with other dogs. I am looking forward to it but at the same time i am a little anxious. As much as i like to play, when i am out and dogs who are off their leads approach me, i go loopy for a few seconds and then lose interest and return to dad (and mum when we are all out together.)

    I have heard talk about this place not too far from where we take our longest walks, where there is an access to water that will allow me to gradually introduce myself, instead of the immediate deep water that i have accustomed myself to looking into but never jumping in. Not sure when we will start going there but it sure sounds like a new adventure for what i believe is a new year. (Oh yes....Happy New Year to you all. And wow, wasn't Christmas time just amazing. Lots of paper and boxes to shred and play in, and hidden surprises amongst them all. Extra food and an abundance of merriment. I really felt like mum and dad were appreciating the time of year and were wanting it to last as long as possible, and this made it very special for me. (And no silly costume this time - for a few minutes last time i became a cute and festive looking pup that did not impress me much at all.) :D

    Right, i must go as dad is getting ready to go out and i think we are are having some extra play outside because i see balls and ropes and........yay, my new frisbee. Bye everyone. Look after yourselves and your parents. I will drop by again whenever i can.

    Your friend Bud.
  14. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Hello Bud and friends, Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good time at Christmas... and some extra treats. :)

    It's good to hear from you, Bud. I hope you get to go to that water place soon - water is great fun! I couldn't resist going into the stream for a paddle on one of my walks recently. Even Tuppy got her paws wet! She doesn't like swimming as much as I do, but that stream wasn't deep enough for swimming and Mum wouldn't let me plunge into the lake nearby, as I was on my long lead (and I don't think mum fancied a swim :().

    We had a new rope-toy-with-a-ball just before Christmas and although the rope has been chewed (mostly by Tuppy) neither of us has managed to chew the ball. Mum had to buy a second one, though, because naughty Tuppy wouldn't share at first. As you can see, she has all the new toys in her mouth, leaving me with none...:(


    I got my own back in the garden later, though, and managed to keep my lovely rocket safe, even though it's getting a bit broken where Tuppy tries to grab it as well as her own.


    I hope you have your play date soon. Mum had friends staying a few weeks ago and, best of all, they had two labs with them, so we had great fun. One of them is a friend we already know (although she lives a long way from us), the other is being 'puppy walked', so we hadn't met him before. He's only eight months old but he's already bigger than me... We had lots of fun in the garden and on a walk. I play better when I'm off my lead, as I tend to get a bit anxious when I'm on my lead and I sometimes try to protect mum, even though she says it's ok.

    My tummy is telling me it's nearly time for supper, so Tuppy will soon be doing her bouncy tricks to make sure we're not forgotten - as if we ever would be!

    Have fun, Bud, and look after your new frisbee!

  15. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Hi Bud,

    I'm glad you had a nice Christmas. My people seem to have Christmas at the same time as other people. This means that there are lots of boxes to tear up, and lots of nice treats. My favourite treat is called turkeyandgravy. Its really yummy, and I had it spread over my tea.

    I had almost two weeks with dad, and we went for a long walk every morning. It was wonderful. Daddywalks are always fun as he takes me to places with lots of big tuggy sticks, ponds, woods, and all the things I like. We play games like hunt the tennis ball in the woods, and sometimes I'd find a deer. Its not the same now that dad has gone back to work.

    I'm sure that you'll like the water place. It was a funny feeling when my feet couldn't touch the bottom, but somehow I knew what to do. Swimming is like running in the water. After swimming its good fun to stand beside dad and shake all the water off.

    I don't know what a play date is, but I hope you enjoy it.

    Take care. Your friend,


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