Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Bud, Wow, that's so good that you're now free of that dreadful collar! I hope you've had some lovely walks and runs and lots of fun. You've probably forgotten about the last couple of weeks already! Tuppy and I are trying really hard to be good ... but it seems that temptation is being put in our way. This morning we managed to reach some shiny containers that had had some delicious food in them. Mum had left them by the sink in the kitchen ready to wash them for what she calls recycling. Well, we saved her that job. All she had to do was to pick up all the shredded little shiny pieces from the doormat, licked perfectly clean! Sadly there wasn't any of the delicious food left, only little licky bits on the shiny stuff, but we did a really good cleaning job. I think I hear words like "What has got into you two?" and "Just when I thought I could trust you ..." :'( She forgave us enough to take us for a lovely walk in the woods this afternoon, so when we've had our after-supper-play I think I'll need a good rest. You'll soon get used to the halti. I used to wear one and, although I didn't like it at first, I soon found that walks were much better if I stayed close and didn't try to lead the way. I now have a harness like Tuppy, though, because some people seem to think my halti was a muzzle and expected me to bite. I can sometimes be a bit protective, but a harness makes me look less scary ... Just keep walking steadily and the halti will be fine. Hope you've had a good day and have enjoyed your freedom! Wispa
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Wispa, I certainly have had some really lovely exercise since my freedom has been returned to me. You wouldn't believe how much i missed running really, really fast (possibly even faster than Pongo ) Do you enjoy fast runs? Oh no Wispa. More tempting things to get you in trouble. I know it isn't easy to resist those aromas that our noses detect. We can almost taste the scrummy food can't we? I have been good so far, but dad in particular is very quick to remove as much temptation as possible when he isn't in the room, and many other delights are too high for me to reach. If it wasn't for dad's speedy actions i would have grabbed a number of tasty treats, such as YOGHURT POTS with lickable bits, dinner plates with more lickable bits and a host of meaty stuff that comes out of that thing they call an OVEN. However, this oven nearly hurt me yesterday. I crept behind dad when he was opening the door to check on the food inside, and i wasn't prepared for the force of heat that flew out. Dad nearly tripped when he realised i was there and scooped me out of the way as quickly as he could. The smells that wafted out made me so very hungry, but i do need to try and remember that HOT food is dangerous when it is still in the oven and as soon as it comes out. I think your mum is very lucky to have you and Tuppy, and i think she realises this too Wispa. Maybe she has high expectations (i think this is the word) of you both and she would like you to be as well mannered as is possible. The words you hear her say might be out of disappointment, and initial frustration. But she loves you both loads. Could there be room for a little compromise do you think, where maybe one little item now and again can be left for you and Tuppy to lick freely, in return for you leaving all other stuff alone? I am learning to get used to this halti. I think dad confuses the issue sometimes though because he likes to give me freedom on the lead, but this can then cause me to take liberties. He is learning to keep me close whilst on the lead, and over time i think i will accept that lead walks are side by side walks....and off lead walks become a mad frenzy of running, jumping and playing. All at once if i can manage it ;D. Thank you for your advice my friend. Soon be time for breakfast so i will say goodbye for now. Have a great day Wispa. Stay safe. Bud
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Bud, and Pongo and Wispa and Tuppence and EVERYONE! It's been AAAAAGES sing Mummy let me speak to you on her silver box thingummy. She says she is VERY IMPORTANT and much more important that me and Willow, but I don't think that can be right. Sometimes she doesn't realise that we have to talk to our friends too. I've been catching up on your trials and TRIBBLE-ATIONS (new word Mummy taught me) with your OPERASHUN and getting better. I'm glad to hear you have your freedom again now. I haven't had an OPERASHUN, but Willow has and it doesn't sound very nice from what she told me. It was nice for me, though, because I got to go and stay with my friend Alfie and his mummy, Sarah and I got lots and lots of cuddles on the sofa. What's even better, Bud, is that when I got to go back to my proper home, Mummy had decided it was OK for Willow to be on the sofa there, too, because she had needed extra cuddles, so now we can both go on the sofa whenever we like!! It's BRILLIANT and so, so comfy. I also like to cuddle up really, really close to Mummy when she's tapping away on her silver box thingummy so she has to give me a stroke or a belly rub. If she doesn't listen to my hints, I put my head or paw on the silver box thingummy and that makes her squawk and dance around, which is great fun! What else has been happening here, then? Oh, well, Mummy and Daddy took me to a vet lady one night when I was staying with my friend Alfie. It was strange because we normally see lovely Doctor Jordi in the daytime, but this time it was quite dark outside. Mummy said it was because I had a very, very round tummy and she didn't know why. I knew why, of course - I had found something absolutely delicious and had to eat the lot! - but Mummy didn't know that. I was really sleepy and just wanted to sleep off the deliciousness, but the vet lady put me on a table and Daddy had to hold me while I had an EXRAY. I was a bit worried that it might hurt, but I didn't feel a thing. After that, she gave Mummy some medicine to give me and told her that I couldn't eat for two whole days. TWO DAYS, Bud!!! TWO DAYS!!!!! Those were the longest days of my entire life. It almost makes me sorry for eating the delicious thing, but not quite. It was very delicious. Another strange thing is that the ground is changing here, Bud. It's very strange. Where it's been white and cold, it's now brown and green in a lot of places. It's not cold on my feet, but it's sometimes a bit wet and sticky. I'm not sure I like it. Mummy says it's called "mud" and that one day I'll enjoy it very much, but I'm not sure. There's also things called STREEMS that are appearing from under the white. I try to keep my feet on the dry bits when we're walking near mud or STREEMS, but sometimes a foot will slip in. Come to think of it, I do quite like the look for the brown against my white fur, so maybe I'll try to get a bit braver with it if it sticks around for any length of time. Mummy gave me some very sad news a couple of weeks ago. I'm not allowed to see my Uncle Buster anymore. I don't know why, but she said there had been an AXEYDENT and now he lives at a place called the Rainbow Bridge where we'll meet again one day, but not for a long, long time. I miss my Uncle Buster, but I'm sure not as much as my sister Annie who lived with him. I'm making sure that when we see her, I play extra hard with her so she's not lonely. Mummy and Daddy keep talking about a trip we're all going on soon. We're going to visit the YEWKAY! My Auntie Rachel lives there and we're going to stay with her. I love her. She has a dog, too, called Mister Bojangles. I hope he's nice to me. I'll roll over on my back and show him my belly to let him know I like to play and that should make everything OK. Mummy says he likes tennis balls even more than me! I'm not sure how that can be true because I LOVELOVELOVE tennis balls! Anyway, Bud, it's time for my evening walkies. I hope Mummy lets me talk to you again soon. Willow sends lots of lovely licks, too. Take care, matey. Shadow 8)
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi there Shadow, Really great to hear from you mate. Apologies for my absence just lately. Not quite sure what has been going on here - dad hasn't been around as regularly as normal - keeps going out to a place they call a HOSPITAL. and when he returns he is very tired. I don't see him using this tappy box as often, and when he does it is for shorter periods of time. I have tried to be really clever and talk to you all by myself, but when my paws start tapping, some very odd things happen and none of them look like a conversation with my friends. But hey, i am a pup and most of the time chatting is courtesy of a sniff, lick, bark and all our other canine traits that only we really understand. So your mummy is teaching you new words too. Haven't heard of Tribble-ations. Sounds a very strong and masterful word. I wonder what it means. Maybe when your mummy is not so busy she will explain it to you, and then you can pass it on to me as i love learning new words. I had heard about your little trip away to stay with Alfie and Sarah. That must have been so delightful. There is nothing better than curling up on the sofa and instantly falling asleep safe in the knowledge that mum and dad are close by when we want to lean our heads back for attention. I sadly don't go on THEIR sofa anymore, but i am not being punished. I am getting so big and powerful that it becomes very hard for us all to be comfortable. But guess what Shadow, i am getting my very own doggy sofa soon which i hear will be placed next to mum and dad's so it will still feel like we are all together. Willow is right when she says that operations are not much fun. I have to say that i didn't really appreciate mine at all as it left me wearing a restrictive collar, and unable to run around madly like i love to do regularly. Thankfully all is well now, though i still feel a little strange on occasions underneath me and try to ease this feeling with licks and nibbles. I was worried about you when i first heard you had to be taken to the vets due to your round tummy. I was glad to hear it wasn't anything really serious but Shadow, what was it that was so delicious that you had to eat it ALL? Do you think you have learned from this experience or are you likely to always eat anything you can sneak into your tummy? You must have been so hungry having no food for TWO WHOLE DAYS. That is a lifetime to us pups. Imagine if our parents had their food taken away for two days. They wouldn't be able to cope would they. They eat more than we do, and personally i think they should be starved because i am sure their intake of food is far too much to be healthy ;D They eat more than me and that just can't be right. Can it? You have discovered mud finally - Shadow, you are going to have so much fun once you realise that soft mud is warm and pleasurable to play around in. I have started to enjoy mud a little more now, and on one of my long walks with dad there was lots of slippery mud to run through. We even ran up this little hill, and then i slid down, and so did dad. He must like playing in the mud too and so i thought i would jump about all over him and he made funny noises and arm gestures which i think meant "THIS IS FUN." What i do not understand is why all the mud was washed off me when i got home. What is the point of all that? Dad explained to me about Rainbow Bridge. Shadow, i am so sorry you will no longer get to visit Uncle Buster. He will be aware of everything you do my friend, so everytime you play and run and sleep and dream, and learn new things and eat more food than you should, and even when you occasionally misbehave (and you will i am sure,) Uncle Buster will smile and laugh and be very proud of you. Enjoy your trip to the UK when it happens. Hopefully you will experience lovely warm weather which will make your chasing of tennis balls with Mr Bojangles all the more fantastic. Like you i totally adore tennis balls, but they do not last very long as my teeth are now very strong and i so love to chew. Guess what by the way. I found a new toy to chew the other day, and it was amazing fun. When dad found me playing with it though he took it away immediately and showed it to mum. And mum looked at me and pointed and called me BAD!!! What was that all about? Now my new toy is hanging up where i can't reach it......................alongside the matching SLIPPER which i never even had chance to chew. Oh well, time for my after breakfast snooze. And i will probably have a nap in the garden later as the sunshine is already beginning to bathe my extra sleeping space. Keep well and safe Shadow my friend. Take very good care of yourself, and Willow, to who i send friendly licks and tail wags. Your friend Bud 8)
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Bud and Shadow, I'm glad to hear you've recovered now, Bud. You're getting your own doggy sofa? Wow, that sounds good. It's really difficult when we get bigger, isn't it. Tuppy usually curls up and tries not to take up much room, but I like to spread out a bit more, although sometimes I curl up too. We're both getting good at snuggling into our beds in mum's study, though, when she's working on the tappy thing. I think she's pleased about that ... as long as we don't sneak into the kitchen and get up to mischief. Going to hospital is tiring, so you must look after your dad and give him lots of fuss and licks when he's at home. I expect he likes having your company and can relax when he has you nearby. Sometimes Tuppy tries to grab the 'mouse' with her paws when mum is working on her tappy thing, but I don't bother because it doesn't smell OR behave like a REAL mouse, so why would I want to touch it? You're right, though, it's too difficult to use those tappy keys without help. Bud's right about your Uncle Buster, Shadow. I think the Rainbow Bridge must be a lovely place because my old friends Callum and Amber are there too. They lived here when I was a little puppy, but they were much, much older than me. Early one morning Callum went to the Rainbow Bridge when he had just got off his bed and was coming to say hello to me in my crate, then some months later Amber collapsed when we were coming home from our walk. I miss my old friends, but I know they watch over me - and of course I have Tuppy to help now, just as they helped me. Enjoy your trip to the UK, Willow. That will be a BIG ADVENTURE. ;D Have fun, everyone. I'm now going to have my evening snooze. Wispa
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello everyone (and thank you Wispa for your latest conversation.) Just sharing a couple of new photos as the grass was shortened today (which makes it harder for me to try and eat) and i had a lovely relax in the sun on my outdoor bed. I will drop by and chat more soon. Keep safe and well. Bud.x
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Bud, You look bigger than me now You look so happy relaxing in the sunshine - I like the sun too. Yesterday I went to beach, but it wasn't very sandy, it was quite muddy! It was fun though. I got to play games with my mum, dad, human sister and my human cousin - it was great fun and I got really dirty. The sea was too far out so I didn't get to run in the waves this time . I was so dirty I had to go in the shower with mummy when I got home . Anyway, I'm off to have a chew on my antler. My mummy says she's glad your daddy us home and hopes he is getting better Best wishes, Harley
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Harley, Am i really bigger than you now? Wow.....and i still have some growing to do so i hear which means i am going to be really, really big The beach sounded wonderful; such a shame you couldn't reach the water so you could splash about and get really wet. Thank your mummy for me, and from my dad, for her kind words. He is getting stronger day by day, but i still notice moments of weakness. I am proud of him for still taking me out for my exercise but,like mum, i do wish he would put himself first now and again. That's me being a big boy i think What's an antler Harley? You have mentioned these a couple of times since we have been friends and i don't really think i have paid much attention. I am older now and i think more curious. I Saw Mr Simon yesterday, my favourite vet man. He picked me up and placed me on the table instead of dad and gave me lots of tummy rubs and i licked, and licked and licked. I heard him say something about my body dealing with a small infection following my surgery, but i am still healing very well though i do need to stop nibbling and scratching myself if i am to recover completely. However, Mr Simon also made me very angry when he told mum and dad that they need to reduce my food a little!!!! I am 25.8 (whatever this means) and 25 is the preferred healthy weight. These are just numbers to me but what does mean a lot is that i will have LESS to eat. Not sure i am going to be too pleased with this. Well, the sun is shining again, and my morning walk has left me a little sleepy. i come. Keep well and play lots and lots. Catch up with you soon. Bud
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Bud and everybody... sometimes a dog can't catch a break you know? Mommy has been so busy she won't let me have just a tiny bit of time to say hello to my friends! She and daddy have been doing lots of strange things lately, and people have been coming by daddy's werk a lot...and I just don't know what it all means. Sometimes they act normal and my day goes much the same...but some days we stay at daddy's werk for a long time and talk to people before we go home. They talk about options, and plans, and letters...things that just don't make sense to me. I just want to run and play.... The weather here in Americuh is getting really nice...the grass is growing and the white stuff is all gone. And the best thing...most days when mommy brings me back to our log's still light out...and if I'm REELEEGOODGURL then mommy will take me and Crystal out to the creek to play before it gets dark. ;D ;D So most days I try and be a REELEEGOODGURL so we can go play. Mommy lets me run and run and run....and she whistles and I run REELEEFAST back to her and she gives me yummy treats. you know about PANKAAYKS Bud??? Mommy makes them sometimes and if there are some extras she cuts them up and puts them in my treat bag. I do almost anything for PANKAAYKS they taste SOOO good!!! Anyway, we go out and run and splash through all the puddles....and I can smell all kinds of good things. Mommy says it's the DEERS that live back there...and sometimes KIII-O-TEES and WULVS too...those smells scare me a little bit, they smell danjerus. So I just try and stick to running and splashing in the puddles. Seems like a smart thing to do for a dog. ;D Mommy brings along this toy when we go back there...and she throws it for's black and kind of long like a stick...but she throws it for me into the ponds...and she makes me go out there and get it all by myself. The first couple of times I was so scared...the water is pretty deep and I just couldn't quite reach the toy to get it back. Mommy told me to BEEBRAYV...and to GITYERTOY...and while I thought she was crazy....I knew she wanted that toy by golly, I was gonna get that toy form my mommy. And that was the day...that I learned to SWIM. OHMYGOSH Bud and Pongo and Wispa and Tuppy and Shadow ( my hero) and Willow....OHMYGOSH SWIMMING IS SOOOOOO FUN!!!! Now I know that it's ok to go in the deep water, and I'll be ok because I can SWIM....and I can bring mommy back the toy every single time. Mommy even convinced daddy to come out and see me swim....he laughed and we had a good time playing. Daddy doesn't always play with me, so it was fun to take him out to my creek. Maybe if I'm REELEEAGOODGURL mom will take me swimming today....I sure hope so!!! Take care my friends, Bella
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Bud and everybody, Wow, Bud, you look really comfy lying in the sun on your bed. Tuppy sometimes tries to take some vetbed (usually mine, or MY blanky) into the garden, but mum won't let her. I think she might be worried that we'd forget to bring it in and then those crafty foxes would take it. I weigh about the same as you, Bud, and our vet says I'm perfect! Tuppy isn't quite so heavy, but she's a bit shorter than me, although she seems to have a snakey neck that can reach higher. I've also heard it mentioned that she has 'finer bones', whatever that might mean. SWIMMING is definitely THE BEST, Bella. I love it and could spend ages splashing around. Have you ever been in the SEA? It's a bit different from being in the streams and burns because it's just water, water and MORE water which seems to go on for ever. There are also waves which can be fun or sometimes a bit scary. If I'm really lucky the young people in our family play with me in the water and that's really exciting. I have to be careful, though, because mum doesn't like me going too far. She once thought I was going to swim across to Bute when we were in Scotland, but I heard her calling me back, so I didn't go too far. I haven't been to the beach since last year, so I hope I'll go again soon with Tuppy too. Hope you've all been enjoying the lovely sunshine and that your dad has too, Bud. Speak soon. Wispa
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Wispa! We don't have a SEA anywhere close to us. Mommy says we are in a LANDLOCKED state here in we have rivers and lakes and streams and ponds. She told daddy now that I can SWIM, he should take me to the RESIVOR...I guess the water is bigger there...hopefully daddy will take me soon, and I'll be sure to tell you alllllll about it. You guys weigh 25???? That's bigger than me...mommy says I weigh about 22.5 now - just perfect for zooming really fast...I might grow some more, but mommy doesn't think I'll get much bigger. I'm 7 months we'll see. Mommy told me last night that GRAMMA and VONNIENPAUL are coming to see us this weekend....I met them only one time before when I was very little still. my big sister Crystal says GRAMMA always brings I think I'll save up lots of kisses for her... all have a great day and enjoy your sunshines. Your friend, Bella
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Wispa and Bella I asked mum and she said I weigh "39 anjoodbetterstopgrowinow". Is that a lot? Pongo xxx
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) [quote author=Rosie link=topic=8427.msg155375#msg155375 date=1428599513] Hi Wispa and Bella I asked mum and she said I weigh "39 anjoodbetterstopgrowinow". Is that a lot? Pongo xxx [/quote] wow Pongo....that's pretty big....but you ain't got nuthin on my big sister Crystal....mommy says she weighs ATLEAST 70... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) Bella
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Oh, that's great news! So I can tell mum that I still need feeding up!!!! Pongo
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) [quote author=sunsetpines link=topic=8427.msg155379#msg155379 date=1428600068] [quote author=Rosie link=topic=8427.msg155375#msg155375 date=1428599513] Hi Wispa and Bella I asked mum and she said I weigh "39 anjoodbetterstopgrowinow". Is that a lot? Pongo xxx [/quote] wow Pongo....that's pretty big....but you ain't got nuthin on my big sister Crystal....mommy says she weighs ATLEAST 70... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) Bella [/quote] Wow, Bella, that's HUGE! Tuppy weighs about the same as you and she's two in a few months. I can't help thinking we must be deprived. Hope you have a good time at the weekend. We've got 'grandchildren' here at the moment. That's really good fun because we get to play a lot. Tuppy can even open 'grandson's' bedroom door if she pushes it hard with her nose, so she lets us both in to wake him up in the mornings if he's trying to sleep too long. We bounce on his bed and lick his ears to wake him up! ;D He can throw our toys much better than mum can, so I love playing in the garden with him. Now to see if I can find just a bit more food before I go to bed. With children in the house somebody must have dropped something yummy somewhere ... Wispa
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Bella, Apologies for taking so long to get back to you. Dad hasn't been around as much which has been very unsettling for me i have to say. So all the white stuff has disappeared now and you are seeing much more green grass? It is so lovely isn't it. I have been sneaking more grass into my tummy, so quickly that neither mum or dad are able to remove it from my mouth. I find it so funny when they try to stop me but maybe now is the time that i am going to be quicker and cleverer. I will be 9 months old in a couple of days, and with another month of growth comes speed and strength, and extra cunning. ;D I think mum treated me to a little piece of pancake a little while ago. It was very sweet and rather tasty. I have been tasting new foods more often than when i was younger. I think dad is giving in a little more as he realises my stomach is stronger and able to withstand variations in my diet providing there is moderation and my main meals are not altered too much. Wow, you have the opportunity to play with lots of other animals - do you ever actually do so? Surely it would be fun to play chase with the deer and tug with the coyotes. And do you think the wolves would play ball with you? You say they smell dangerous but i don't seem to have much fear within me - with exception to water - according to dad so i would just roll over on my back and wait for them to come and play. (Dad is rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Maybe he knows something i don't.) I am still very wary of big amounts of water that are deep enough to swim in. I get very close to jumping in when i chase ducks but i skid to a stop just before i reach the edge. I don't think there is any rush to learn to swim, but i do think when the time is right i will step forward with brave paws and introduce myself. Well done to you for being so brave though and fetching that toy for your mummy. She must have been very proud indeed. Do you experience strong winds in America? We have a very, very windy day here today and i find it very distracting. Dad is very alert when we are out in strong winds and is always watching the sky and everything around us as if he thinks something will drop on our heads!!! Well Bella, i hope you take very good care and enjoy lots more swimming and good food. Will chat more with you some time soon. Your friend Bud.
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) PONGO!!!!!!!!! must get much more food than me, or you find food and stash it away until you have some quiet time to feast ;D Maybe your weight is due to your age and size and therefore is all muscle. If this is the case then you have reason to ask for MORE food. Hope you are well and continuing to offer helpful paws in the garden - it is a lovely time of the year to be outside isn't it? Keep well and take care mate. Bud
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hello Wispa. Thank you very much for your comments on me relaxing in the garden. I so enjoy the warmer weather that we had been experiencing, and dad says there should be lots more of it over the coming months. Dad is including a couple more photos as he says i finally offered my smiley face (apparently when my tongue is out i look really cheerful and happy.) I wonder why Tuppy tries to take your blanky into the garden, and not her own. Is she trying to get you in trouble (again) or does she just like having a little piece of you with her wherever she goes? So our weights should be reason for cheering, and possibly receiving some extra treats for not over eating? ;D (Worth a try.) Well, i am off for a snooze as been playing chase and tug for what seemed like ages before chatting with my friends here. Totally exhausted, and i think dad needs a sleep too. Look after yourself Wispa, and enjoy the nice weather whenever it comes around. Chat again with you soon. Bud
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Bud Oh, it's great to talk to you.... I am BORED! Boredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredbored. My mum and dad have been soooooooooooooooo dull the last few days - not wanting to play with me, not taking me on any long walks (just my normal one-mile loop, which is OK but a pup needs some variety!) They say they have something called floooo and they are just moping around the house or lying on the sofa making pathetic noises. Mum told me it is a bit like when I had kennel cough, but I'm sure I wasn't as DULL as they are being. And the worst thing of all is that I'd arranged to go on a group walk this morning with my friends Holly and Benson and Casper and Murphy and Maisie and Harvey and Penny and of course the lovely Harley, and because mum and dad are being so boring I COULDN'T GO! It's so unfair. Oh well, I suppose it is all part of what a puppy needs to do. I have to look after them, wash their faces when they need it, try to make them smile and just be very very patient until they stop being soooooooo boring. I don't want to sound unsympathetic but, really, they do make a fuss when they are not feeling well. It is a relief to be able to talk to you here, Bud! How are things at your end? Pongo (bored)
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Oh my Pongo. How can this be happening. I have not known you sound so bored (other than when you had to wear that nasty collar). I was just off for my snooze when dad muttered something about you not being happy so i figured i would come and see what was going on. I can understand how your mum and dad feel, and lots of credit to them for still taking you out on your mile loop. I assume they still manage to find the energy to feed you? I see and hear some similar actions and sounds when my mum and dad are unwell, and just lately dad has not been in very good shape at all. But he forces himself to do good by me (i think this is the human saying) and i don't suffer too much boredom. I don't know about you my friend but i love to relax and sleep whenever i can, but only if i have had, or sense that there will be exercise and activity during the day. Have you considered wandering out into the garden to do some little jobs that your parents might have started - this might make them get off the sofa and come and help you, and may even get your mum to talk to you with a happy "Don't touch that Pongo. It doesn't need your help." Things this end are not too bad. Looking forward to longer walks again once dad is well enough to run with me and walk long distances. I get plenty of exercise but there is nothing like really long walks where i have been exploring new sights and smells each time. Apparently i will be visiting a MAZE soon, which i understand is like a trail with very high fences and lots of different routes where we could get lost!!!! Sounds like fun if you ask me, but with my nose i can never get lost. I'll stick around a little mate until your boredom eases. Your friend Bud