We had to build a retaining wall this weekend, and the entire family had a go. Bear (nearly 5 1/2 months), watches, impressed at mum's effort in digging this hole: He then decided he should help, but as I was trying to get dirt out and put it in a pile, he decided he could help by digging at the pile, back into the ditch. As a mean dad, I told him no. Here he is sulking on the mound of dirt, stopping work, very passive aggressive...lol.
Hehe, we've had the same thing recently. My husband has been digging a big hole for a septic tank and the dogs think it's a brilliant game! Except, the pile of loose earth next to the pit is far more appealing than the hard ground H is digging. H reckons I should stop wasting time training them all the gun dog stuff, and put my efforts into a trained "dig" cue. I told him that's slave labour and it's much more fun to watch him getting all hot and bothered instead
You are such a meanie. If that was children you'd tell them they should let the other one play in the dirt with them. Not fair for you to play and Bear not. Kidding. Love his passive Stop Work (aka play) effort.