I think Stanley might have a cold. He's got gunky eyes and a snotty nose and he's making a lot of snuffy noises. Can dogs get colds? He slept a lot yesterday and seemed a bit more lethargic than usual but he's eating fine and seems OK in himself. Do I need to do anything? Or is there anything I can give him?
Definitely can get colds. I don't think you need to do anything if eating and drinking okay but if they start coughing or not themselves I would have a chat with a vet. Don't just turn up but make sure you explain the reason and get the chance to put you at the end of surgery or so late you for reducing cross infection. I personally wouldn't give anything not prescribed to my dog.
Thanks He's got dog training tonight. Do you think I should still take him? He seems well enough but I don't want him to pass it on to any other dogs. He's not allowed to play with them or anything but they're in the vicinity
Could it be Kennel Cough? Personally I would not take him to training, as you say you don't want to infect any other dogs. Hope he's OK poor boy xx
I don't think it's kennel cough. He's not coughing at all and we had to have him vaccinated for day care. Hope not anyway
Gunky eyes and snotty nose could also be allergies. Re the kennel cough vaccine, it does not protect against all strains unfortunately!
What colour is the gunk in his eyes? Our trainer would ask that we not go if possibly contagious and schedules a 1:1 make up class. Quinn had similar just a week ago (green eye gunk, runny nose, on second day eyes stuck together in the morning - much different that her usual white-ish gunk from getting sand in her eyes etc.) She has allergies and is not contagious, but is on a med for a bacterial infection (on her skin too!). I took her to training after 3 days of meds thinking she was OK - more herself and she had an accident at class Poor thing...she has never had an accident at training even when tiny. **Quinn wants everyone to know it was from the meds, she is potty trained
OH took Stanley to the vets today as he had scratched his eye as it must have been bothering him and they were all red. Vet thinks he does have a cold and a bit of conjunctivitis, bless him! We've got eye drops which should be fun and games. Best get practising putting his nose on that towel