Can't get my Puppy to walk on leash

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Michelle Quinn Mullally, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. Michelle Quinn Mullally

    Michelle Quinn Mullally Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2017
    I have an almost 11 week old puppy that refuses to move when i try and take her for a walk. I had her in at the Vets last week to get her last round of shots and he advised to take her out on walks. I live in the countryside and he said that I didn't need to worry about Parvo where i live. So since then i have been attempting to take her on walks and I am getting very frustrated as she just refuses to move. This morning I tried giving her treats and that did not work she just sat down a refused to work. I do not want to drag her and I just don't know what to do. It was lashing rain and the last place i wanted to be was outside getting wet, but I was outside for her sake. I ended up just bringing her back inside the house and putting her in her crate. I don't know what to do..... any advice?
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    This is not unusual at all.

    Carry her to the end of the walk and see if she'll walk home - they are often keen to get home at this age.

    Mollie is 17 weeks and will often just stand, not wanting to move. I stand with her till she gets bored and ready to move on.

    It's a phase, we'll soon both be having to work hard on them not pulling!

    Snowshoe likes this.
  3. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Could you drive or carry her to a safe off-lead area and have a wander with her like that? If she's off-lead she'll almost certainly scuttle after you at this young age. It's great that your vet has said it's safe to take her out, but while she's so young I'd look on these as 'outings' rather than 'walks' and just give her a chance to explore her surroundings, without aiming to actually get anywhere. Perhaps a chance to meet livestock of various kinds?
    If you take the opportunity to teach off-lead heel this will pay dividends when you do eventually go for on-lead walks.
  4. Michelle Quinn Mullally

    Michelle Quinn Mullally Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2017
    I can't take her off the lead. I live in the countryside, but roads around me get a lot of traffic and until she is older and wiser it just wouldn't be safe. There is a great park with pond very close to where i live, but I want to wait until the vaccination comes into effect 100% before I take her there, just to be on safe side. She is very happy to run around and play in our garden (she is very found of my vegetable patch which I'm trying to get her not to be so found of :) ), but the walking is just not going well. My brother advised making it fun and / or treats but that is just not working. I guess i just have to try and try again!!!

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