Our pup is 10 weeks tomorrow and is not the biggest fan of car rides so we’ve been trying to take her on more rides to try and get her used to it. We bring toys and treats but those only keep her attention for seconds and then she’s back to chewing everything on the car......seats, shifter, seatbelts, cup holders, doors, etc. I don’t know that I want to crate her in the car if she’s already uncomfortable riding. Not sure what to do! Any ideas of suggestions?
We put Holly in a crate from the start and she soon got used to it. She has one chew toy in with her, just in case she gets bored. She usually lays down until we arrive at the destination.
We don't have the option of using a crate so we use one of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Viewing-TO...47194&sr=1-3-spons&keywords=car+hammock&psc=1 Not perfect but it puts most chewable things out of reach.
I had him in the trunk since day 1 (on a dog mat to protect the car and the pup). First few times someone always sat in the back seat to give him treats when he would stop crying or lay down. He was amazing, it only took him 3 short rides to get the idea. When he got a bit bigger, i bought safety fence so he can't jump to the front. He is now big enough to sit and be able to see outside, so he is fine, and on our way back, he is usualy tired, so he passes out.
I can't help with your car concerns because our Wilson has been fine in the car since day 1 ... but I just wanted to say your puppy looks absolutely gorgeous. Is she a silver lab?
My dogs have always travelled in a cage in the boot of the car. Most have been fine but my eldest Lab Lucan was a nightmare for being travel sick as a pup, took him a good year to get over that, but he loves the car now. A cage is brilliant for keeping your dog safe and stopping any damage being done. Here in the uk a dog must be secured while travelling either by a harness to the seatbelt, behind a dog guard or in a cage.