Hello guys I had visited new vet he said to put carona virus injection and he done it. it is important injection or not .. it is important means tell me why??????????????????
Re: Carona Virus Injection is Important or not Hi there Do you mean Canine Coronavirus Infection? Has your pup got that infection or was your vet talking about a vaccine?
Re: Carona Virus Injection is Important or not I'm not quite sure what you mean, Lokesh, but either way - if your vet thinks your pup needs either treatment or a vaccine, I'd go with that advice for sure.
Re: Carona Virus Injection is Important or not I agree with Julie - your vet knows what local diseases and parasites there are, so I would trust his/her advice.
Re: Carona Virus Injection is Important or not Google it, lots of information. Must admit haven't heard of it before, or only in the far corners of my mind which didn't register.