Change in eating habits...

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by skooch, May 27, 2014.

  1. skooch

    skooch Registered Users

    Apr 25, 2014
    Hi All,

    Looking for some input into a recent change in my puppys eating habits, she's just over 5months, currently gets fed 3 times a day (JWB dry+some chicken) and she's always been a very good eater and been on her current meal sizes for a month or so. However, for the past couple of days she's seemed a little uninterested in her meals and even not eaten a few BUT still seems to have her appetite because she'll wolf down a training treat and occasionally sit in the kitchen expecting a treat and she also seems to be her normal self so don't think she's ill. Yesterday she ate her meals no problem but then today has only eaten half of her breakfast and lunch (on the bright side at least she's eaten some vs previously skipping meals). Not quite sure if it's teething or her just being more interested in the treats as food, i would withdraw all treats but we have puppy class later so that's not an option for today but can do that tomorrow if it continues.

    Has anyone else had this with their pups where the appetite is definitely there but they eat less or even skip meals?

    My main concern, other than her getting enough food, is that she's due for her spaying op end of this week so don't really want her to go into that weaker than she normally would be.
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Change in eating habits...

    Hi , as she is over 5 months old , it might be worth skipping lunch altogether ? Thee average age for cutting down to two meals is 6 months , but it might just make her more eager for her tea if she has an empty tummy , or just give her a tiny lunch , maybe a third of what she usually has , worth a try :)
  3. skooch

    skooch Registered Users

    Apr 25, 2014
    Re: Change in eating habits...

    Yeah i had it pencilled in to switch to 2 meals at 6months but could move it earlier, might give that a try tomorrow.

    My other option, apart from withdrawing all treats and hunger kicking in, was to try giving her different wet foods in the kibble in case she's bored with the current menu. I don't want to change around too much but it's a balance to keep her healthy and i know humans get bored of the same food all the time so maybe dogs do too....although she never tires of chicken.
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Change in eating habits...

    If she likes what she has, I wouldnt change it too much but one thing they all seem to love is sardines , maybe a third of a tin on her tea ? I dont know what time she currently has her last meal but if you do cut out lunch , bring tea forward a little and give her a little more at breakfast and at tea time, good luck :)
  5. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Change in eating habits...

    Unless she is poorly, which she doesn't sound to be, I think she is just indicating that she is ready for 2 meals a day.

    If she is being spayed soon, then far better to be slim, makes the op easier and you can always 'fatten' her up afterwards.
  6. skooch

    skooch Registered Users

    Apr 25, 2014
    Re: Change in eating habits...

    thank you both, i'll try the 2 meals a day, i might try some sardines too as she's had some cod/trout before and she enjoyed that.

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