Obi growled when we went near his foot with his recent injury - it is a very sensitive area. We were extremely liberal with the quality treats and he didn't feel the need to growl any more. Great that the Medipaw boot is a success
Oh yes a tube of Primula Cheese usually does the trick but only had cheddar in my pocket. He has been absolutely fine with us cleaning and dressing the wound. One being vet and the other supplying squeezy cheese As Charlie is on lead until his foot has healed we are using this opportunity to continue with clicker training every time he gives us attention so at least it's something to focus on and continue when he's off lead again x
Well we are on week 3 now, fully coned up which is not a problem for Charlie at all, he comes to us for 'cone scratches', sleeps, eats in it and he's been a complete star The vet is very happy with him, but the minute that cone is off he is straight there lucking it, the wound is scabbing over but I am a little worried he will remove it and off we go again. I think I will leave the cone on until the end of the week?? xx
Yes, I think I would leave it on until the wound is pretty much healed, especially since good boy Charlie has no problem with the cone.
Yep, keep it on. And maybe even longer than that at least while he can't be supervised. Great to hear that it's healing up so well! You must be very relieved to see the end in sight (although it's hard to let go of the phobia that you come to have of licking sounds....).
Really pleased it's on the mend it's been a long 3 weeks for you all. Really best wishes from Dex and I xxxx
The cone has gone!!! Yeah, so pleased. Charlie hasn't bothered with his foot at all All sorted untilt the next time xx
You bet we're glad it's all healed up, but I have to say, apart from removing the stitches himself Charlie was a complete star with numerous foot baths, dressings, socks, boots, cone, vet visits, not to mention the surgery in the first place. Bless him xx
Charlie had a lovely group walk this morning and was a complete star on and off lead but this afternoon I noticed him licking his paw and yes he has torn a chunk of the previously stitched carpal pad off so now we are back to square one, back in the cone, washing in boiled cooled salt water. It had healed beautifully and now it looks yuk xx
Oh no!!! The only thing worse than injuring a paw in the first place and going through all that rigamarole is having to do it all over again!! Big fortifying drink to you, Helen, and a hug, too!!