Whenever we go to Cornwall (we are just back from a week's holiday), after we've been there a few days, Charlie seems to snooze more and more. He is his normal self generally, up for any activity, enthusiastic, energetic, ready to go in the mornings, but just snoozes quietly in between stuff. He isn't like this in London, he nags more for stuff to do. I sort of worry about it a bit! I worry he is getting too tired or something. When we are on holiday, he gets an hour's walk over the cliffs and usually a swim, then another off lead walk at lunch about 30 mins, and in the afternoon he'll do an hour's training or a trip out, we'll drive to a different part of the river, or forest or new beach. So not much more than his normal couple of hours spread out through the day, but I guess it's more energetic, and new - that makes a difference. I think his walks in London are just more routine, even a bit boring. The same old park, the same old Common. Do you think new things are more tiring for a dog?
Definitely! There is so much more for them to process! Just like using brain training or trick training to tire out restricted exercise dogs, is it not? I know Lilly is more tired after a trip somewhere new. Although often that involves car travel, and although she is resting, I don't think she sleeps the same as she does at home.
Yes, I know this - I just worry! My OH saw me looking at Charlie asleep on the sofa a couple of days ago and said to me "you are going to ask me if I think the dog is ok, aren't you? You always do, round about now". Sad to be so predictable! Charlie gets more training in Cornwall too, because I have more time. So he'll do lots of little bits in the house. Tut. I'll never stop worrying about this dog!
We just got back from five days of camping and Ella has been asleep all day! I keep checking her... Much to the amusement of my OH I think the river swim three times a day, short morning and evening walks and many games with her choccy lab friend Hamish has left her exhausted! I do think the fresh air and new surroundings are part of it.
Bless Charlie , glad he enjoyed his holiday . I find with both my dogs, that deviation from the norm seems to tire them . When we went for our day out recently , to the Family Fun Day and Dog Show , even though they were both on lead for most of the day , senses were heightened and they were both very tired when we got home . I think it does dogs good to go away on hols or days out , brain stimulation is so great
The sea air often has this effect on humans too. Although the seaside can be busy, it's not the same hustle and bustle as the city.
I'm not sure I'd be up for camping in the UK either. We had a perfect autumn weekend with the day temps in the low to mid 20s and nights low to mid teens. Oh, and no rain. Surely you'd be more interested with that kind of weather?
Yes Molly was tired when we got back from our trip to Dartmoor. I suppose the uncertainty about what's going to happen next is mentally tiring - but I'm sure they enjoy it too.
I'm hardened to UK camping, it was the only holidays I knew growing up, apart from 2 yrs as a child in Australia but we didn't camp then or have holidays. That was back in the 60s
Only if the Australian ground is mattress soft, and the tents come with hot running water, a full sized bath, a hanging wardrobe, a proper toilet and a kitchen. Edited to add: and even then, no - because I've just remembered about Australian creepy crawlies. Definitely not.
Well, that didn't last long - the snoozing, I mean. He came in from his London lead walk with the dog walker, and did a wall of death round the house. I guess an hour on lead round Wimbledon park just doesn't cut it....