Do all puppies do this thing where they sit on their bums and then go round and round in circles, trying to catch their tails? Or is it just my little freak?
Re: Chasing her tail sat down It makes me laugh every time! I need to get it on video... Inca's a lovely name, by the way. It was on my short list for our pup. Willow wasn't on that list, but it's funny how a name can just come to you, however much you think you're sure what it's going to be!
Re: Chasing her tail sat down Inca was a last minute name choice for us too. I think we had been through just about every single possible name, nothing had clicked and the mum suggested it and it seed perfect for her! Need to work out how to upload a pic now!
Re: Chasing her tail sat down Use a photo sharing site - lots of people use Flickr, I use imgur. Once it's up there, copy the link into a post like [ img ][ /img ] (but without the spaces). Imgur gives you the link you need for this (called BBCode) when you upload an image. Hope that helps, would love to see a picture of her!
Re: Chasing her tail sat down Tail chasing one of Lemmys default settings seems to it when every toy is out, all bum down runner out and can't think what else to do. X