Zeus is now 10 months and loves things to chew. Wondering what people can suggest? Someone recommended an antler but then I read this can cause problems with teeth. Would love to hear people suggestions. Needs to be something durable.
Hello, Luna is now 10.5 months and she has an antler to chew and loves it. We also have the Kong extreme tyre and bone that she loves to chew on that are a bit softer as rubber. Another thing is yak chews she loved this too but I wouldn't give her it when I wasn't home. Luna has her soft cuddly toy shes had from day one at home and still loves to lie with it and chew away. https://www.amazon.co.uk/KONG-Extre...=pet-supplies&sprefix=kong+ex,pets,159&sr=1-3 https://www.amazon.co.uk/KONG-Traxx...=pet-supplies&sprefix=kong+ex,pets,159&sr=1-4 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07N4B9YJ1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dog-Chew-Y...6&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=yak,pets,157&sr=1-24 https://www.amazon.co.uk/KONG-Brigh...SDY33B944NF&psc=1&refRID=MEHAJ8ZSSSDY33B944NF
Yep I have to agree with the above post. There are other chewable toys too that I really love. I will have to find the links for them. My guy loves fabric. I get alot of tug toys for him and flirts. He enjoys chase and tug and that feeds into his labrador abilities!
I would highly recommend avoiding antlers for all adult dogs (dogs with adult teeth), due to the high risk of slab fractures to molars. One of my own dogs - on their first antler ever - got a slab fracture, which subsequently involved very expensive (£1200) dental surgery lasting 1.5 hours to remove that tooth. I have also heard of this happening to many other people - as has Dr Google... Personally, for dogs with adult teeth, I highly recommend stuffed Kongs, Toppls (which can have contents frozen), very large raw beef knuckle bones with a lot of meat on them (so dog focusses on eating the meat and marrow, not the actual bone) and Yak chews are fine as well, although keep an eye when it gets down to the last bit so they don't swallow it when it's too large still. (You can put that bit in the microwave and it will puff up and get soft and they can then safely eat it.)