Hello, I am very new to this sort of forum, I have a 1 year chocolate lab named Robyn, since she had her first season she now chews her bedding, any ideas how to stop her please and thank you from Lynn
Re: Chewing Bedding Hi Lynn, welcome to you and Robyn. Sorry I don't have an answer for you - hope someone else can help - just wanted to say hello! Jac and Lilly
Re: Chewing Bedding Hi from another chewer, Nevis not me lol we've tried a few beds and blankets in his crate and he's chewed them all. He was down to just the plastic tray but yesterday we saw a thick cotton bath mat that was just the right size and looked so cozy we got it for him only to throw it out this morning as he'd shredded it : so tonight its back to empty crate again. Some people have mentioned Vetbed i think this is what it's called though i haven't tried it yet
Re: Chewing Bedding from a teeny tiny black 5 1/2 year old Lab known as The DivaDog and her pet human
Re: Chewing Bedding "Traditional" vet bed from Bronte Glenn is almost indestructible. Don't be tempted by the non slip as it is not as strong.
Re: Chewing Bedding Thank you everyone that answered me, I will try a vet bed, at the moment all Robyn has to sleep on is my old kitchen rug with chew holes in it!!! From Lynn and Robyn
Re: Chewing Bedding Hi Lynn. I can't help as pup doesn't arrive until tomorrow, but I have bought some vet bed on recommendation from lots of people on this forum, I bought it off good old Amazon at a very reasonable price! I'll let you know if it is successful with my new puppy!! http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00EC9XY7Q/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Re: Chewing Bedding We had the same problem with our Casper (R.I.P.), I think every bed we bought him, was destined for destruction! How did we deal with it?, well I'm not sure we ever did, our strategy, was to give Cas as many chewy toys (e.g. Kongs, flavoured bones), as I could get hold of, which gave him a certain amount of distraction from his bed. I don't think Casper, ever recognised his bed for what it was; true he would lie down on them, when we told him to, we'd turn around to attend to something, and his bed would have been "relocated", to the other side of the house! On other occasions, he would drag his bed right up to me, push my legs, or try and get on my lap, with his bed, look at me and his eyes would say "Well come on then!, Pull!" We stopped buying Casper "beds", and gave him old bath towels to lie on (but then you would have to watch him as he would start to chew on those too!). Eventually, we gave him an old duvet cover (It wasn't old actually, one night, Casper and I came in from the rain, and whilst I was getting his towel to wipe him down with, he ran in to our bedroom, jumped on our bed, and shook himself for all he was worth! My wife was really impressed, so impressed in fact, that she just had to share her "joy" with me!). The duvet was ruined, despite frequent washes! So Casper had a new bed! Sorry, this is not really helping you, just wanted you to know I had the same problem with Cas!