My lab is now 8 months old and has developed a love for cables. Tv, computer, telephone, if it's got a cable she attempts to chew it! How do I stop her from doing this?
Re: Chewing cables Other than the obvious, attempt to keep them out of her "safe zone" might try either an anti chew spray like bitter apple, or a smear of vicks vapo rub.... hopefully its just a phase, and with a little prevention, you'll both get through it.
Re: Chewing cables You can get cable shields and cable trays - they also tidy everything up so they looks smart. Although I used some anti chafe hose from an old boat... I'm not sure I like the idea of using vic's vapour rub, you really need to be sure anything your dog licks is safe...
Re: Chewing cables I still hide all the tv cables behind the narrow box I got my stairgate in. Chepi's 10 months. However, there are other cables out that she doesn't bother with (I suppose I value the gogglebox more!). I have a bitter apple spray that I have used a couple of times - on a corner of carpet at the bottom of the stairs and on some plumbing expanding spray she took a fancy to in the garden - and (touch wood) it has seemed to work.
Re: Chewing cables I mentioned the vics as it was something that Boogie used to keep Gypsy from chewing her skirt boards. But I've not used it myself...