It always fascinates me in a worrying kind of way (although the worrying is always unfounded) how Murphy crunches off just enough of his chicken wing to then swallow it whole. It take him a couple of attempts to achieve this, then it's gone! Definitely leaves him with a fuller tummy for longer than his kibble
Re: Chicken wings Gordon does you pup just get one chicken wing a day and do you give kibble the rest of the time? Only asking because I was thinking of doing that after a couple of weeks.
Re: Chicken wings Jane, he's still on four meals a day (at nearly 11 weeks) he gets: Kibble (skinners field & trial puppy) plus a tablespoon or two of homemade chicken stock (no seasoning) to warm it for breakfast kibble and ox heart (lunch) Chicken wing (tea time) Kibble and stock (supper) The stock is just our preference, it warms it a bit and adds some extra flavour. One chicken wing or thigh makes enough stock for a week. Some days we drop the chicken wing and just give kibble and ox heart. No fixed pattern on that one, depends if I forget to take a chicken wing out the freezer. some days we swap lunch and tea time around. He's thriving on it. Next plan is to introduce chicken carcasses as well. Not sure if we'll ever get to feeding whole rabbits