Charlie is learning 'go round'. I've done a bit of this before, a while ago, but didn't finish it off. We are deliberately 'going round' dummies because it's part of him learning that we can do stuff with objects other than pick them up! Which is news to Charlie, even though we've been working on this concept for a very, very long time now! go round by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
I know the feeling! I can chuck dummies...(even her new pink ones..)around Bramble and she is as cool as cucumber, Benson, no way!
Although, having said that. He didn't used to be able to not pick up target sticks, but we got, maybe. Anyway, it's more interesting than walking around dummies on lead anyway.
I couldn't get the video to play more than the first few seconds, but was wondering if Charlie thought 'go round' means follow the target, rather than an isolated 'go round'? I am always impressed that Charlie chews his rewards, mine just swallow them whole, which I think is such a pity if it is something expensive I have bought!
At first, he is just following the target (I've trained loads of things like this now), but the handle of the target stick is telescopic and I'll make it shorter and shorter, until I've just got the red bulb in my hand, then I'll get rid of that, and just have my hand signal left. It's always worked so far, I think you get a cleaner action with a target rather than luring for something like this.