Cold water

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Jyssica, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    Hi All.
    Rolo went to daycare today for the first time.. when i picked him up he was really mucky..... as they run about lots with other puppys in muddy fields. (He had only been groomed last week but he had fun so i suppose its ok)

    Anyway when I got home I washed him down to get the dirt off... outside. The water was cold (not freezing) and outside temp about 6 degrees. He started crying and lifting his legs where the water touched him... I always read about labs not easily being cold... is there any reason he would cry? I dont want to do this again incase he was uncomfortable and will have to Bath him when im home as i didn't get all the dirt off.[​IMG]
    DebzC likes this.
  2. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    I love that picture - pure contentment, a sleeping, muddy puppy. Totally adorable.
    I'd just let him dry then brush the mud out. Unless my dog has rolled in smelly poo, I never wash him.
  3. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    He might be cold because he's young...i just rub with a towel to get some mud and wetness off if it's really bad. Quinn gets cold fairly easily, she would not like a cold hose :rolleyes: (but will swim in the ice cold lake with no issues, go figure).
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
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  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    It probably wasn't because he was cold - just fussing. :)

    Charlie will break ice on puddles and ponds to cool his tummy, yet look like I'm torturing him with a cold water hose pipe when we get home. :rolleyes:

    Nothing to do with being cold, and all to do with not being trained to stand still and be washed. :)

    This is Charlie in a warm water shower at hydro after he has happily dived into the pool and water treadmill....

    [​IMG]hydro32 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr

    [​IMG]hydro31 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
    Jyssica likes this.

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