Just been to the vets as Harley has had blood on top of her poo over the past 24 hours and 4 times between 12.30-1.30pm today. She was amazing at the vets and didn't push herself into the corner of the room and let the vet examine her and take her temperature (this is such huge improvement for her). It works out that she's got colitis again She struggled a lot with this between the age of 3-9 months old. She's on chicken and rice for the next 5 days and has prokolin and antibiotics. Looks like I'm going to have to look at her diet again..
Oh poor Harley, how awful for her. I wish I had some advice to offer sorry I have no experience of Colitis. Glad she is okay and well done at the vets as I remember reading in past posts how scared she can be. It is nice to know Harley wasn't too stressed. Xx
Do you think her recent investigations have caused her stress levels to rise and manifest as colitis there is a strong relation with stress and colitis for Rory?
I never even thought about that! It could be?? She's fine in herself until she needs to go, then she gets agitated and paces for ages before going. Hopefully her tummy will settle soon. Thank you for all your kind wishes x
Colitis can be a right pain in the rear to deal with and can definitely be stress related. Hope Harley is soon on the mend.
Ah Ternaya ,so sorry she's poorly,Harley goes along fine and dandy and then seems to get her ailments all in a run doesn't she ? I hope her tum settles down with the meds. Best Wishes to you both x
She's a bit more sleepy today, I think the antibiotics are making her feel less energetic. We only seen one poo with blood in which is an improvement. Thanks for asking @charlie