Hello - looking for recommendations for collars that are the least likely to cause an indent/ring to form in the fur around the neck. George wears a collar most of the time, except overnight or when we are not home. Also, we use a harness for leash-walking, not the collar, but he's got a pretty serious indent forming! I've read that rolled-leather collars are better for this - but is the best solution just to reduce the amount of time he spends wearing (any) collar?? Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!
Not a collar brand suggestion but I only put a collar on my lab when we go out, otherwise he's naked And he has no indent.
Saba hates being naked. Taking off his collar freaks him out! He has a wavy coat, especially around his neck and back, so the collar makes no difference!
I only put the collar on if we leave the property or if Axel goes outside without us. I don't like the look of the collar on and I worry it will get stuck on something.
Yup...naked here too. I would go for a rolled leather collar. You can get really lightweight ones that are just designed to carry a tag. They might in fact been working dog ones. Ages since I looked.
My all go naky too. I use velvet lined collars and they seem good at not leaving a mark when we have to collar up. Yes velvet we are all princesses in our house
Naked in the house, collars on if outside. I do like the idea of thin rolled leather ones though, especially for Casper when in a holiday home, he can't wear a normal collar. I swear I will just implant him with a tracking device one of the these days a la James Bond!
My sister's English Shepherd is with me right now. Her rolled leather collar is always on and it has left a definite wear mark on her neck. Even with tons of hair (think Rough Collie) you can see where the collar goes, even though it's under the hair. Bonnie is itchy there too, poor girl. Always on is not a good idea if the dog gets wet, it will take longer to dry under the collar and hot, itchy spots can develop. And stink.