I think we need a new custom-icon-thingy to represent "Forum-wide-hug". Does anyone know how to create one?
So very glad to hear Casper is improving! Yippee! Hopefully home for lots of cuddles on the weekend...
Such good news and if the vet is 100% certain Casper should come home it's probably best to leave him a little longer, although I'm sure you can't wait to get him home and fuss him - and he deserves lots of fussing
So can I trust you lot to be quiet until I open the door? Marcus should be home in just over and hour...
YIIIIPPPPPEEEEEEE!!! My puppy dog has come home, and is where he belongs, on the sofa next to me. It was a real surprise - so at least things are back to normal at home with me being the last to know anything lol. You have all been absolutely brilliant - encouraging, warm hearted, supportive, and I just can't possibly thank you all enough.
I think everyone on the forum feels happiness, relief, and a thousand other emotions. Give the lad a (gentle) cuddle for me.