Just wanted a few opinions on our 7 month old male labradors height. I have measured him and hes around 18-19 inches at the withers. He is a beautiful dog and has a wonderful temperament but I'm concerned He is too short to be a pedigree labrador which is what we paid for. Obvs we will love him either way but dosent stop me being a bit peeved about paying a lot of money for a pedigree and he isn't! He's a fox red called.....red
@Red1980 Here is the answer to your query, https://thelabradorforum.com/forums/photos-and-video-links.47/ I guess you realise that Labs keep growing in height until around 11 months.
I've managed to add a photo to my profile, I don't think his legs are too small for his body, he just seems small all round for a 7 month old male
By 7 months a lab should be 75% of their expected adult height. The upper range of a full grown male lab is 25. 75% of 25 is 18.75 so 18-19 sounds pretty gooood.