Conservatories?? good or bad

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Lee Bell, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Lee Bell

    Lee Bell Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Hi everyone, this is probably a silly question but can I just ask whether anyone has their puppy crate set up in a conservatory? We have just bought Indy a new crate for when we are out in the day as the one he has had since he was a little pup is getting too small. However, we bought it with a view that if his chewing doesn't improve it will suit him as he gets bigger. its a 42" crate. unfortunately, though we measured the gap in the kitchen to see if it would fit we are silly and didn't measure how far out it would come and surprise surprise it doesn't fit. It's too big and I cant move around my kitchen with it in, we don't really want it in the living room as it is an eye sore so that just leaves the conservatory which is fully ventilated and allows us to start decrating him as it is a completely safe space. Previous decrating attempts have failed brilliantly even being left with kongs, toys, cardboard box and it only being 15 minutes. I am however, cautious of putting him in the conservatory whilst we are not in it isn't somewhere he has ever been alone and I am even more cautious of doing it if the weather gets hotter. Anybody got any advice or have their dogs in conservatories? tbh I hate putting him in his crate though it is a matter of at the moment he can not yet be trusted not to destroy our new kitchen.

    We are first time puppy owners so advice would be great.

  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    I wouldn't if the sun shines in there - it could get too hot for him.

    My brother once had guinea pigs in his and he came home to two dehydrated animals which couldn't be revived by the vet :(
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    I was concerned about the sun in the space I leave Charlie in, and considered fitting blinds. But after monitoring it for a while, with a garden thermometer (which shows current, past highest, and past lowest temps) actually found that the biggest concern was how cold it got in the winter, not how hot it got in the summer. It's mainly shaded in the summer by a large tree, and he has a cover on his crate too.

    So long as he has shade, and the temperature stays in a sensible range, there is no reason why you shouldn't use it. But I do think with any room of that kind, making sure you check the temperature range is critical.
  4. Lee Bell

    Lee Bell Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    He has got a cover over his crate and obviously can access water at all times but I shall get a thermometer and see what it says. The smaller crate is still ok for now so I will monitor the conservatory until he defo has to change over.
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    You'll need to watch it in the summer too - but you could install interior or exterior blinds, or even sunshading glass paint (that probably wouldn't look great though). There are loads of ways to keep glass rooms (and even greenhouses) cool.
  6. Lochan

    Lochan Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Nov 23, 2012
    North East England
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    My previous dog Remy slept on our conservatory. There was a heater on in winter keeping it at a constant 18C, and in the summer all the blinds were down and we installed a portable air con machine. The current 2 don't spend any time in there at all really, we just changed routines after we lost Remy.
  7. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    Great advice above. I wouldn't as I'm a paranoid anxious puppy mum and would worry it would get too hot ( I leave windows open in the kitchen even tho I know she's on shade) so I would just check there's some area with shade etc
  8. Lee Bell

    Lee Bell Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    I've been monitoring it over the weekend and it seemed ok but I'm in no rush to try it tbh! Plus he wont even go near his new crate tried everything even putting treats in there for him and he wont go in, problem is he is getting too big for his puppy one! It's never easy lol x
  9. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    Indy may be reluctant to go I the new crate as it's not in the same place. Have you moved any blankets etc. he has into the new crate to encourage him that it is his. It might be worth putting the crate up in your kitchen for just short periods and encouraging him in so he gets used to the new crate and then move it to the new location once he's happy to go in and out. Alternatively could you live with it in your lounge for a few days while he gets used to it and then move it?I was lucky when I moved Juno to a 42" crate as I had plenty of room in the kitchen for it, but I was surprised by the height and depth of it - I had only measured the 42" length and not thought of other dimensions!
  10. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    We have a very large west facing conservatory and one of my dogs sleeps in there. He finds it cooler at night than the kitchen and prefers it that way. But I'm totally paranoid about him spending any time in there during the day from March/April until October. It just gets way too hot very quickly.
  11. Lee Bell

    Lee Bell Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2015
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    I think I may move it into the living room for a while and see how we get on with it there, if all else fails it is really handy as a make shift table to put my washing on the top haha.

    Thanks the tips everyone

  12. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Conservatories?? good or bad

    Have you tried putting an old item of your clothing in the new crate?

    Something like a t shirt. Sleep in it so it really smells of you and pop it in the crate.

    Make sure it is something you have finished with, it may well come back to you rather chewed.

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