Hello I apologize in advance if this is the wrong section, but i really didn't know where to post. I need some suggestion in regards of purchasing a crate for Sirius, which is now 3 year old field labrador. His measure are H x 85 L x 100 at least without adding inches and provided me and my sister did take the correct measurement. I usually buy from Zoo plus and i'll provide the link in what i might be interested. http://www.zooplus.it/shop/cani/accessori_viaggio_cane/kennels_gabbie Above is the link but i don't know which one would be the most appropiate for Sirius, i apologize also because most of the user might be familiar with inches and the page of the site is in Italian, i tried to look up the english version but it does have different measure altogether. P.S Here's Sirius with his first and mine snow ever. https://imgur.com/a/m1Rwm
Hello Peter - you don't say whether you intend this to be a travelling crate or one for using at home. Just to give you some idea of size, the metal crate I have for my 30kg yellow lab measures about 60 x 90 x 60 H. I hope that gives you some idea of size in relation to the weight of the dog. She can stand in it and has room to turn round too.
Yes sorry, i should have mentioned this from the start. I want it to be a crate for home use, since the actual kennel Sirius has is one in plastic. I hope too i can get an insight from what you just answered me! To leave any less doubts i did follow the instruction reported in this site https://www.labradortraininghq.com/labrador-training/what-size-dog-crate-and-which-type/ and get within these two measure. Hope to get more answers! Thanks again Granca
Hi Peter I used to use the metal double door crate in the 109 x 65 x 79 size and found this gave plenty of room to move and spread out. My girl is predominately show lines but at the very top end for size.