Hi all, our 9 month old black lab is crazy for berries, blackberries, raspberries but especially blueberries. She will literally salivate long runners onto the floor when I get them out of the freezer. I only allow a couple at a time which of course, drives her crazy while I eat mine. Anyone else have this happen, it is hilarious!
Berries, no but Carrots, yes. I used Carrots as a treat for my previous dog because it's great for eye sight and helped clean his teeth.
All my dogs have picked all those, and strawberries, wild, alongside me. I don't limit them because they can't pick that many themselves. Still, when I used to make blackberry jelly and give it to people I put notes on to say the dog helped me, but don't worry, she ate all hers. I still love to watch how they pick out only the ripe ones.
Holly's been picking her own blackberries since she was a puppy. Sometimes I have to drag her away from blackberry bushes.
Both Charlie and Betsy adore blackberries, raspberries and strawberries - they are both horrendous thieves in the veg garden! I'm lucky if there are any left for me!
Raspberries and brambles in the garden and the woods, with the Blaeberries just ripening too...... Yep. 'Tis a feast.
Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, carrots, you name it, he likes it very much! Even lemons! Finn eats them all. He sits beside me when I make diner. Also breakfast with blueberries and yoghurt he will sit next to me and likes to have one or two berries. It is very hilarious indeed! Annemarie